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ClubTheWorld - Discussion Board Recent Clubbers: 1 : signum


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  • CTW Admin

hehe - Sig - you crack me up mate! It was like 1am early this morning!


[idea] Tell ya what mate, to cheer you up me and Kev have decided you should become the official Rep for Glasgow ok ??? Thanks for all your efforts & support so far.


James [smileJap]

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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Aye i was just joking [Well Happy]


I am most honoured [smileJap] by yours and Kevs suggestion, and I'd mulled it over previously, but I thought since i'd not met anyone yet it would be better once i had.


But what the hey, I would be pleased to fill that post, maybe we'll get some more scottish members then it'll be easy for me to get out more....


I am maybe moving flat soon, possibly back to Edinburgh, but as far as im concerned Glasgow is my new home, [Hearts] so Glasgow rep is fine with me!


I am planning a massive party programme for myself anyway, I want to know each and every venue (on a student budget, but of course)


STOP *Crshhhhhh* *SIIIRRREENNNN* [Cop]


I just pressed the emergency stop button cos I was in danger of writing an essay there. [Crazy]


oh god i've lost it havent I.... [Razz]


sooo, ok then! [star]



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  • CTW Promotors

End of June Signum, we'll help you out with more members from Scotland and more trips to Scotland on a REGUALR basis so dont worry, your social life will change very soon!


Just stick with us!



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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ok, I have an idea, [idea] once you've been up on the 29th, and its been an official outing, then I can become the CTW rep. okey dokey?


Then and only then! [Well Happy]


[Wavey] Ooh tiss ah tiss Ooh tiss ah tiss Ooh tiss ah tiss Ooh tiss ah tiss Pish pash pish pash POW (ow ow ow ow) tiss pa tiss....


that, err would be a dance beat then! [Roll Eyes]

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  • CTW Promotors

Yeah thats fine Signum but James has made many people reps that we haven't actually met yet so its not a problem! You dont have to be met to be made a rep!



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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