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What did you do this weekend?


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whats her name who wrote that, that jk rowling woman has a big house just in the next street from my parents (they're not loaded though [Roll Eyes] )


she HAS been seen in Safeway, its confirmed.


ps Harry Potter is poo [Well Happy]


sorry Tara, but I think I'd like to see a film about the "Garage-Greats" rather than HP.


though i would stlll probably be like this -----> [Crazy]


instead of this ----> [Wavey]

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Thanx Lia, my boyf bought it for me as a pressie and I [LoveFace] it!

At least I didn't have the embarrassment of having to pay for it! LOL [Laugh]

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  • CTW Members

Harry Potter... is... poo


my claim to fame from famous people:


1.)Kylie Minogue stayed in the hotel next door to me [smoke]


2.)So did Britney Spears [shocking][Well Happy][shocking][Well Happy][shocking][Well Happy]


3.)Hugh Grant goes to my local pub and was spotted in the local video store renting out porn [Laugh]


4.)Saw Jordan having a chinese in the restaurant 30 seconds from my flat.


5.)Jack Ryder and Kym Marsh live on my street where i live during holidays


i live in the BEST area, beat that!!

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Ok lets see what I can do:


1) My Aunt lives next door to David Beckhams grandparents, so I've met Posh & Becks twice


2) Sonya in Eastenders used to be in my English class


3) My cousin in Australia was in Home and Away as few years back


4) Kate Winslet used to live around the corner from my grandma in Reading


5) I saw Mr Bean in my local supermarket



6) Beppe in Eastenders lives next door to my mate


Hmmmmmm...........thats all I can think of! Who can do any better?!!!! [Well Happy]

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OMG, I forgot my best claim to fame!


7) Met Kevin Costner whilst on holiday in Barbados! SEXY!!! [Well Happy]

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there's nuffin wrong wiv HP i've read all the books (god Im sad) you have to do something on the tube dont you........ dont you?


I havent seen the movie though, I cant sit still in cinemas for 2 hours solid (short attention span)


Oh well there's an insight into my f**ked up world.


seeya peeps [MultiColour][MultiColour][MultiColour]

no sleep 'till bedrock!!

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