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30 and out?

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Thanx for the kind welcome,your too kind.

Amused to see Im reg'd as a 'new clubber', hav'nt been called that since 92, more of a rave grandad now!

However, this begs the question that with the big 3-0 looming ominously around the corner,does this mean I now have to purchase bad slacks and a ralph,drink bacardi breezers and bop to dj otzi down at the local ritz?

Say it ain't so!




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  • CTW Promotors

No way Flakey man!


Ask James, the founder of this site, hes that age (Oooops, soz James!) and just see how mad he still goes! Theres life in the old dog yet buddy!


Keep your chin up! [Wink]



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Admin

mate - I turned 30 last november and to be honest

a) i dont feel it

B) according to most i dont look it

c) i certainly dont act it

d) i hang around with mostly 18-25 year olds!

e) i swear there was a cock-up on my birth certificate and i'm only 25


So it aint so mate! welcome!



CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Members

My boyf's 30 and it makes NO difference!

As long as you don't look it, you're safe! LOL [Laugh] so put the slippers back in the cupboard and PARTY!!! [Well Happy]

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  • CTW Members

I'll agree with that Soph!!! Hehehe [Laugh]

(James you might want to consider growing up a little! hahaha)

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  • CTW Members

Phew, being 27 then I'm a spring chicken then.


But as you say, it's all how you act, the cut of the M&S slacks, the shineyness of you Hush Puppies and how regularly you exfoliate and moisturise.

'Obscene, Dirty, Filthy, Immoral aw yeah, aw yeah, aw yeah, yeah, yeah'

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Creamy- 30 yr olds have more experience, in every department! LOL [Laugh][Well Happy]

Thats why!

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