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30 and out?

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  • CTW Promotors

Matt, look as though me and you are extinct nate, all these girls want are OLDIES that smell of BO (hehe)!


Right, thats it, lets go look for a 16 yr old!!!!



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Admin

Just a quick question to everyone (I'm getting paranoid about my age again! hehehe) ....


Whats the largest age gap you would condiser, and at what key stages...


e.g. (James' example) ...


Me: 30, My Girl: 18 - is 'sok

Me: 35, My Girl: 17 - is getting dodgy

Me: 40, My Girl: 16 - is not 'okz

Me: 12, My Girl: 14 - is 'sok

Me: 17, My Girl: 32 - is not 'okz

Me: 18, My Girl: 29 - is 'sok


Do I make any sense ?



CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Promotors

Last year when I was still 26 I went on a couple of dates with a 19yr old which was the biggest gap younger (got bit of stick from my mates for that one!) and 10yrs is the biggest gap older.

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[Piggy] The last time I pulled was on a rather messy night down at PigFarm, oooo errrr, we all had too much PigBeer and one thing led to another and we ended up sleepin in the PigPen! Very messy indeed! [Piggy]


[Piggy] But since then PigMan has been single! [Piggy]



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phew, off the hook then,seems there's a few more years left in the old dog yet!

So Im now officially free to continue with all this shannanigans and wotnot till I reach that unfortunate stage in my later years where I begin to talk gibbershish,not make much sense,become easily confused and start banging on about 'the old days'.

Oh hang on a minute.......





ps I kicked about with a 39 year old when I was 23 once.

Do I win £5?

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  • CTW Members

Well, looks like I'm the oldest of the lot of ya!


I'm 33 & have no plans whatsoever of packing it in in the near future [Well Happy]


Not sure if I look my aga but I definitly don't act it & having a toyboy is an added bonus too. [Cool]

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