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Bring Back Rainbow!

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Rainbow was a bad ass programme !


Just wish i had some of Rod's Flair's [Confused]


[Well Happy]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
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Wonder what all the lads are up to now ?


I reckon


BUNGLE is a convicted peadophile (spelling?)


GEORGE is a sad lonely old pensioner


and ZIPPY is doin time for armed robbery !!!


[Well Happy]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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That programme's way before my time, all you oldies, I don't know!!!! [Laugh][Well Happy][Well Happy][Well Happy]

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YEAH - i was gonna say [HeartBeat] Lia [HeartBeat] - how come you remember rainbow?!! You're only 19 aren't you ?!


James' Rainbow Observations

1) Bungle never took a dump

2) Zippy didnt have any fillings (this one is particularly strange)

3) Fred never shagged Jane (was that their names?)

4) You never saw the BT man come round to install a new phoneline - not even ADSL and Rainbow was ahead of its time!!!

5) The number 5 was originally introduced on Sesame Street (intentionally spelt incorrectly)

6) The Flumps never did ONE line of coke (despite newspaper reports)

7) Ivor the Engine was all one big lie

8) The latin term 'Rainbow' actually means to "Urinate on one's cross-bow" (this one is particularly strange)

9) James is getting bored and realises this is entirely un-funny - probably because I KEEP BEING DISTRACTED BY TINY/FAKE SPIDERS on the cealing of my yet-to-be-built Plasma Car.

10) What a wicked film with BO (not BA) Derick


Disclaimer: There is NO disclaimer



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Originally posted by James:


YEAH - i was gonna say
- how come you remember rainbow?!! You're only 19 aren't you ?!

James, take away the hearts please, I find it offensive!!!



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Originally posted by nice1bruvva:


Anyone remember the playground favourite (sung to rainbow theme)


"Up above the streets and houses,

Bungle flying high,

Opens up his hairy legs,

and shits in Zippys eye"


As you can tell, I learnt a lot at school.

But no George! [Confused]


Wheres my Georgy gone??



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Originally posted by CreamyC:


Originally posted by nice1bruvva:


Anyone remember the playground favourite (sung to rainbow theme)


"Up above the streets and houses,

Bungle flying high,

Opens up his hairy legs,

and shits in Zippys eye"


As you can tell, I learnt a lot at school.

But no George!


Wheres my Georgy gone??



Here we are!!!!! [Well Happy]


With all this shitting in his eye,

it makes zippy rather cross,

so along comes george and lets one rip,

and shows the twats whos boss!


Gerogie pooos we looove youuu! [Roll Eyes]

---> Beaker <--- 
Times may change, but standards will always remain.

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wow inbowwhat a programme but does anybody remember lets pretend used to be on at lunchtime nobody ever seems to remember this one they used to make a story out of four objects and hen there was the pink windmill with rod and emu and the witch grotbags and teabag and her servent t-shirt think the women who played tbag is now diane in emmerdale hehehehe oh they were the days when kids tv was full of innuendo like captain pugwash and seaman staines haha

didnt ya just [HeartBeat] kids tv


*drugs, rock n roll, bad a$$, vegas ho's, late night, bootie calls..... SHINY DISCO BALLS*

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Originally posted by garlandsboi:

wow inbowwhat a programme but does anybody remember lets pretend used to be on at lunchtime nobody ever seems to remember this one they used to make a story out of four objects and hen there was the pink windmill with rod and emu and the witch grotbags and teabag and her servent t-shirt think the women who played tbag is now diane in emmerdale hehehehe oh they were the days when kids tv was full of innuendo like captain pugwash and seaman staines haha

didnt ya just
kids tv

Yeah, I remember that one Garlandsboi, it used to go like this....


[sing] "Lets pretend, lets pretend, lets pretend"


Great lyrics!!!



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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