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Introductions please!

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💡 With the site picking up pace and moving faster and faster i thought it would make sense for eveyone to post a quick summery of their details here so everyone knows just who is who! :biggrin:

Thought this would be cool:

  • User name: @Beaker
  • Real name Graham
  • Age 20
  • Location Liverpool
  • Music tastes: Funky/US house
  • Macdonalds or Burger king: Macdonalds.

If you put your details down similar to above we can then know who we're posting to etc!! I know it would be easy to look at everyones profile but you can get to everyones details here quick and easy!

😀 Nice one peeps! 😀

  • Thanks 1

---> Beaker <--- 
Times may change, but standards will always remain.

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  • User name: @LibbyVanDyke
  • Real name: Libby VanDyk
  • porn name: Lusty Libby
  • Preffered name: Libby
  • Worst name in the world: Phillip
  • Best name in the world: Libby
  • Location: Sunny Boro
  • Music tastes: like liqorice. R n b and trance, hard house.
  • Mcdonalds or Burger king: KFC
  • Favourite thing: Marsupilami (ask beaker)
  • Favourite song: follow da leader leader leadrer follow da leader...kidding...actually silence delirium, or angry skies by maria someone.
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clubber with a passion

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ok heres mine!

  • Name: Sophie Billington
  • Middle names: Louise
  • Nicknames: Soph or Sophs 💖
  • Worst nickname: Sofa! 😠
  • Location: St Albans
  • Occupation: Fashion Student
  • Music: Trance & House
  • Worst nightmare: Pukeing! :pukeface:or anything to do with ladybirds 🐞
  • Mc donnalds or burger king: Neither!
  • Favourite thing: Fitting into size 152cm in tammy girls clothing!!! makes clothes shopping 10 times cheeper!!! lol! :flipa:
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  • CTW Promotors

The new name for CreamyC:

  • User Name: tRaNcEd-kEv
  • Real Name: Kevin Coxall
  • Age: 23
  • Location: London
  • Music Tastes: Trance, House, R'n'B
  • Music Hate: Garage
  • Burger King of McDonalds: McDonalds
  • Red or Blue: Red
  • Best Name: Tinky Winky
  • Worst Name: James
  • Best TV Programme: Bob The Builder
  • Worst TV Programme: ShiteEnders
  • Best Tune: "For An Angel" - Paul Van Dyk
  • Worst Tune: Anything by So Solid [censored]
  • Best Football Team: Liverpool
  • Worst Football Team: Woodford Town
  • Best Job: Porno Industry
  • Worst Job: British Telecommunications

The new boy t R a N c E d k E

Thank you and goodnight! :bumshake:

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MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Promotors
  • User name@ElsxBells
  • Real name: Elly
  • Age: 27
  • Location: North London
  • Music tastes: Mostly Hard House & Trance
  • Star sign: Scorpio
  • Fave song: Age of Love
  • Fave Club: Peach / paSSion / Gallery
  • Tipple: Vodka & Cranberry


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  • Nickname: @garlandsboi /images/icons/wavey.gif
  • Real name: Michael or Mikey graemlins/KING.GIF
  • Live: nr liverpool jus on outskirts graemlins/BANGHEAD.GIF
  • Music: Funky House graemlins/COP.GIF
  • Fave song: dj stuart now im free 😆
  • Fave club: Garlands graemlins/ideasmiley.gif
  • Fave saying: *swoon swoon* :heartbeat:



*drugs, rock n roll, bad a$$, vegas ho's, late night, bootie calls..... SHINY DISCO BALLS*


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  • CTW Promotors
  • Name: @SarahPVC
  • Age: Will always be 21!
  • Occupation: Trainee IT consultant, Professional Clubber & Promoter.
  • Fav Clubs: Sundissential & Goodgreef
  • Music Likes: Hard House / Hard Trance
  • Worst Music: anything less than 140bpm!
  • Fav DJs: Andy Farley, Rob Tissera, DJ Daz
  • PVC or Rubber: PVC!
  • Black or Red: Both
  • Best Moment: Every Sundissential!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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hehe i just stole creamys list.

  • User Name: signum
  • Real Name: Andri Haflidason
  • Age: 19
  • Location: Glasgow
  • Music Tastes: Trance, House, Film
  • Music Hate: todays Rock and Garage
  • Burger King of McDonalds: blech
  • Red or Blue: Blue
  • Best Name: Valborg (my Icelandic cousin - a girl!)
  • Worst Name: Valborg (my Icelandic cousin - a girl!)
  • Best TV Programme: West Wing/ Doctor Who
  • Worst TV Programme: ShiteEnders - oh god yes
  • Best Tune: "Its my Turn" - angelic
  • Worst Tune: some Indie shite - cant be arsed finding out
  • Best Job: Trampolin Instructor
  • Worst Job: Safeways - Hygiene - laugh at the poor souls! (I was a replenishment assistant so there!)
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Ok here goes

  • User Name: nice1bruvva
  • Real Name: neil
  • nickname: nelson
  • Age: 24
  • Location: Next door to Elsxbells
  • job: Civil Engineer
  • Music Tastes: Trance, Pumping/Euphoric House
  • Music Hate: So Shite Crew, Oxide&pootrino, Pay as you poo
  • Burger King of McDonalds: Either or, I'm not fussy
  • Red or Blue: Colourblind...they both look grey to me.
  • Best TV Programme: Mr Ben
  • Worst TV Programme: Nothing, I worship TV as my god
  • Best Tune: Dont Know!! maybe silence or adagio for strings or happy birthday
  • Worst Tune: That DJ otzi whistle bollocks


no sleep 'till bedrock!!

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  • CTW Members
  • User : DuMonde Raver
  • Real Name : Grant Rees
  • Age: 18
  • Musical Taste : Trance \ Hard Trance \ Hard House
  • /images/icons/mad.gif Musical Hates /images/icons/mad.gif Funky House, R n B, Hip-Hop .
  • Location : Uxbridge, West London .
  • Fav DJ's : DuMonde, Picotto, Guy Ornadel, Tidy Boys \ Girls .
  • Best Ever Tune - DuMonde (Never Look Back) Tiesto Mix
  • Worst Ever Tune - any hip-hop or r n b .
  • Best Telly Prog. - That Aussie nutter who fcuks with snakes and stuff, HEADCASE !!!
  • Fav Pastime : Tuning the tits of my car and styling \ modifying vauxhalls .


TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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DuMonde, we fcuk with snakes and sharks and crocs and [censored] all the time down here. Its a way of life.

That fucker just happens to have his missus totin a video camera when he's goin about his daily business! Most of us have our video cameras and our missuses locked up in the bedroom!!!

Intro to come.

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Not as crazy as that twa* though surely [Crazy][Freaked Out]


Why would anyone mess about pulling a crocs tail or pickin up poisonous spiders \ snakes that can kill instamtly unless you were on a death-wish ?!


Mental . [Roll Eyes]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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