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Oh no, we've got to go through all this again. Okay I'll be gentle........

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Come on then, let's see this beast.

'Obscene, Dirty, Filthy, Immoral aw yeah, aw yeah, aw yeah, yeah, yeah'

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Ok, here we go graemlins/HEARTS.GIF

  • Nickname: @Fish
  • Other Nickname : Flaps :grumpy:
  • Real Name : Helen
  • Location : Wirral
  • Age : 23
  • Occupation : P/A - but gotta say Magic - what a fookin kewl job u have !
  • Music Tastes : Funki House
  • Fave Tracks : Funkatron, Bring it down
  • Fave Club : Garlands ( what else ? ) 
  • Fave DJ : Deefer 2 Pac DJ :heartbeat: u wanna see him girlies !
  • Fave people : Far too many too list, have met so many fantastic people over the last year, all the Garlands Troopers, ClubTheWorld Crew, Boogie Town people and many, many more.

Beckie La La - you bought a tear to my eye hunni, u r an absolute star and I love you to death, she is gonna be in London town this weekend people so look after here and let her take you to La La land !



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Oh come on DUDU, don't give up that easily, just ask a grown up if you're having problems, te he.

Cheers Fish, but which bit - the management consultancy pays the bills, the pearl diving keeps me sane.


'Obscene, Dirty, Filthy, Immoral aw yeah, aw yeah, aw yeah, yeah, yeah'

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Magic - the pearl diving - definately ! 

You see, I am a fish, and you get to spend time in my home with all my family, I envy you. I have to be satisfied living in an aquarium, but it's all good 💕

Hey peeps - if u wanna chat : fish@clubqueen.co.uk


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It's 7.15pm over here, and I've gotta get down to the beach.......but one question: what kinda fish are you?

You know, that we get all sort down here - hammour, parrot fish, sharks, turtles, rainbow fish, baracudas - I wouldn't want you getting gobbled up!!

'Obscene, Dirty, Filthy, Immoral aw yeah, aw yeah, aw yeah, yeah, yeah'

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It all depends really, sometimes I am an angel fish, some times I am a star fish, on very special occasions I will slip into my sea horse suit 💕 But I am NEVER, EVER a cod or a kipper !!!

What sort of fish do you think I should be ? :shocked:

Have a good time at the beach - jealous me ? Never, I'll just have a flap about in the Mersey 😆


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Originally posted by Magic:

Oh come on DUDU, don't give up that easily, just ask a grown up if you're having problems, te he.

1 problem - I don't know any growd up people!! :biggrin:

Love n affection XxX

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Beaker - have you read the guest book on your

homepage recently??

I'm sure you and your mate gave me a lift back to Bebington after a messy night at Bugged Out a few weeks ago. Was that not you?

Am at Bugged Out this Friday - my mobile no.

is 07984 803 907.

Travelling up from London tomorrow. Give me a buzz and we can have a shandy or two..... 😉

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What an excellent choice for favourite party tune Michaela, although make sure it's the Mas Collective mix (the one with the heavy bassline) - the other originals a bit weak.

'Obscene, Dirty, Filthy, Immoral aw yeah, aw yeah, aw yeah, yeah, yeah'

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Don't be jealous....come on the Arabian Gulf and the Mersey aren't that different

Mmmm, an Angel fish maybe, but I reckon you're probably more of a piranha


'Obscene, Dirty, Filthy, Immoral aw yeah, aw yeah, aw yeah, yeah, yeah'

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On 5/30/2002 at 12:21 AM, Michaela said:

Du du....

I'm from Bebington, I just survive the rat race down here in London.

Are you doing Bugged Out/Garlands this weekend?



Hya Hun! Yea I'm in Garlands on Saturday to celebrate my birthday!! Beaker knows me, so make sure you come say hi! x

Love n affection XxX

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On 5/30/2002 at 12:19 AM, Michaela said:

Beaker - have you read the guest book on your

homepage recently??

I'm sure you and your mate gave me a lift back to Bebington after a messy night at Bugged Out a few weeks ago. Was that not you?

Am at Bugged Out this Friday - my mobile no.

is 07984 803 907.

Travelling up from London tomorrow. Give me a buzz and we can have a shandy or two..... 😉

shandy?!?!? come on i cant handle anything that strong dear!!!

meet up sounds cool! i do remember you, took a while but got there in the end  🙄

We'll meet up at bugged out for sure and in my true Resident Evil style zombie form at garlands too. :biggrin:

---> Beaker <--- 
Times may change, but standards will always remain.

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