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Hello CTW

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hi ppl just intruducing myself.

im 26yr old male living in near oxford.

love d'n'b, hard house and trance but i love it all really.like to go out every month and get messy.I am a happy go lucky raver.

just done homelands and GCSSS is next.

i come on line every couple of days at night.

love the site and its idea.and would love to meet up with you guys one day.possibly at GCSSS

will keep my eyes on the site [Roll Eyes]

and add my ten pence worth every now and then [Well Happy]

look forward to it [Wavey]

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  • CTW Members

hey mate! nice one to take an interest in the site!!!


defo loadsa peeps goin to gatecrasher and we'll defo have to meet up.


If you see this message now we're in the chat room!!!!


[Well Happy]

---> Beaker <--- 
Times may change, but standards will always remain.

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  • CTW Admin

Hiya oxonraver and thanks for coming to the site - how did you find it ? Comments like yours are exactly what ctw is all about...


we will DEFFO DEFFO be meeting up with you soon - gauranteed.



CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...



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  • CTW Promotors

Welcome oxonraver,


Keep checking back to see where we're at next mate, we'll definately be going GC SSS so we'll see you there, Tara2001 is from Oxford and she'll be going too if you wanna hook up with her to make it easier! Sort that out later!


I'm going to bed! [Roll Eyes]

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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many thanx for your welcome ppl. [MultiColour]

well i will take that as see you at GCSSS!!

and get hold of tara2001 if she wants a traveling buddy.

I found the site easy and the rest speaks for it's self.If loadsa nice clubbin peeps have a place to find each other in the comfort of there own home!

been to covern a couple of times but not recently.

prefer to go further afield once a month or so.

all the clubs are shut by 3am in oxford [bang Head] and it full of the beer nation!!

i like my space and somewhere thats still going when your burnt out! rather than being booted at 2-3 with only home to go to!!

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