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One Month To Live ?


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  • CTW Admin

If you (and everyone else) had only 1 month to live (i.e. the entire universe is gonna blow up) what would your plan be as from now for the next month ?


I would probably get on a plane to Thailand away from all my enemies (as they wouldn't think twice about killing me) and relax in the gorgeous weather on a stolen yaught filled with lovely food. I'm hoping some nice girly friends would be there too but this is not essential / necessary.



CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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Personally I would and hold up a bank and get loads of money and just buy loads of stuff and go around being ridiculously rich, and in the last week I would go to an american army base and try and steal as much hardware as possible and see how much carnage it is possible to cause, because if the worlds going to end then it won't really matter. I would probably go on a vigilante type thing and get rid of nasty types so my last month was pleasurable without the scum of society.

OSM aka Rob D


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  • CTW Admin

but the banks are all shut & empty because the staff have all p*ssed off already. Remember - EVERYONE on earth hears the news at the same time....


I will have to re-think my Thailand one as there would be no planes / travel available.

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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dream place: sat on cala basa beach on ibiza, with jenny (my ex ex from 4 years ago) as that was one of the most incredible and warming days of my life but due to bastard wanker politics it cannot be done again.


reality place: in a pub with my best mates - reminising about the last 25 years.



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  • CTW Admin

hehehehe [Laugh]

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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