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its not fair! (lighthearted post)

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i only discovered this message board last saturday and apparently there are loads of garlands lovers on here that do meet ups and evertythin.im at garlands [HeartBeat] EVERY saturday,the only time i missed one was when picotto was playin at cream a while ago.and now the university year is over i have to go back to canterbury where there is NO nightlife, garlands or anythin fun whatsoever [Confused] (nearest club is atomics in maidstone which is difficult to get to) sorry for the bitchy type whining, im usually really easy going,its just that ive always been on the look out for like minded people.i think the person who told me about this site (i think,my memory is quite vague) was someone called sharon from london,so if your here....'hi!'. but basically id really like (even tho none of you know me) to go on some of your meet ups later in the year when im back up in liverpool if thats ok [Happy] by the way this is my first day of posting....so 'hi!,im disco stu' [Wink]

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Originally posted by disco stu:

i only discovered this message board last saturday and apparently there are loads of garlands lovers on here that do meet ups and evertythin.im at garlands
EVERY saturday,the only time i missed one was when picotto was playin at cream a while ago.and now the university year is over i have to go back to canterbury where there is NO nightlife, garlands or anythin fun whatsoever
(nearest club is atomics in maidstone which is difficult to get to) sorry for the bitchy type whining, im usually really easy going,its just that ive always been on the look out for like minded people.i think the person who told me about this site (i think,my memory is quite vague) was someone called sharon from london,so if your here....'hi!'. but basically id really like (even tho none of you know me) to go on some of your meet ups later in the year when im back up in liverpool if thats ok
by the way this is my first day of posting....so 'hi!,im disco stu'

Ahh ive seen u on 4clubbers! recognised ur pic too, seen u in garlands and also seen u last nite walkin through town opposite the Krazy House! Freaky huh? [Well Happy]

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Hi Stu,


Always happy to meet another Garlands lover [HeartBeat]

Have seen you in there a few times and will come and say hi [Wavey] next time


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Originally posted by disco stu:

 - [Happy]
my very own stalker!
recognised your name fron somewhere, like your sig on 4C (pacman,YKTS!)

fish: cheers,will prob see ya in garlands when im bak up im l'pool

tara2001: thank you

haha not really ur a hard bloke to miss with ur dreads n all! ill come over and say hello to u if i see u in G's. Ill be the one holding Miss Fish up... [Roll Eyes]

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Disco Stu....it is YOU!


It's Sharon here. Glad you made it. I did put a post just after the weekend we met, asking if you were here but you didn't reply. As you only joined last week, it all makes sense. You're alive!!


Am back in London now and not up in Liverpool until after Glastonbury.


Hope to see you in Garlands/G Bar again. Nice one matey. [Well Happy]


P.S. Fish - Hello! (It's the Bebington bird here)

Scouselad - Hello too!

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Hello there! i remembered this site after u told me,which is lucky cos i remember little else!found my friends etc in g-bar...yay im alive! [Razz] only just tho as im having withdrawal symptoms from liverpool! prob wont get back there until september [Crying] . canterburys too laid back,should be ok once i get a job etc then il have somethin to do and can do some random club dates as my uni mates are scattered everywhere. nice meetin u and your friends that nite and will prob see ya around sometime [Happy]

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hey disco stu


u r always in garlands ive seen u in there loads welcome aboard hope to see ya soon formomentsof messiness in garlands [sun][smileJap][Wavey]


*drugs, rock n roll, bad a$$, vegas ho's, late night, bootie calls..... SHINY DISCO BALLS*

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