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Office pranks

Rob D

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Does anyone else partake in humourous office japes?


Just stuff like taking out people's mouse balls, putting ink on their phones, ringing people internally, saying tosser and hanging up, glueing the phone handle to the main body etc...


Or is it just us immature people here.


It does pass the time though (i felt justification was needed)

OSM aka Rob D


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  • CTW Admin

YES OMS!! love it - although recently with redundancies people dont tend to find it as funny / the fun people have left!!! (I'm surprised I'm still here!!)



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Not a lot goes on ere really, all a borin bunch o bastards but i get a proper laugh out with the factory lads, nutcases [Laugh]

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' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
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Where would I be without office pranks! Because I work for conferencing I find it funny to connect unknown people to the same call and listen to them arguing the toss over who called who! Funny as [censored] that one!


Other favourites include:


Calling from another line, speaking to someone who you cant stand in the office and BOLLOCK THEIR BALLS for not sorting out a query that they had been looking into! Its great watching their faces from the other side of the office shitting their pants coz they aint done the query yet!


Putting fine celotape over the mouthpiece so when the person in the office pick it up, the other person on the other end of the line cant hear them but keep saying "hello, hello, can you hear me"! Whats even funnier is when the office twat says "I think we have a problem with the line" [Laugh]


One more! This one is where you get their mouse and slow the speed down so when they try and move it around the screen it takes ages! NOTE: Only do this to non-IT knowledeable people as anyone with half a brain will suss it straight away! I love it when they call the helpdesk and say they have got a problem! [Laugh]


People say I'm a bastard but I dont think so!!! hehe!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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