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what books are you reading at the moment?

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i am in the middle of two:


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson


DNS and Bind - Help for System Administrators by Paul Albitz & Cricket Liu


The first one is a classic that i've read a few times. The second is about Domain Name Systems on the Internet and is very dul.



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I am reading How To Be Good, by Nick Hornby.

Finding it quite tedious to be honest, I usually wizz thru books, but this one is quite slow [bang Head]


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i've started to read my Cubase VST book again which has to be said is SU-FECKING-PERB !!! Cant remember how much but only about £30 from a decent bookstore (or online) and well worth it I can tell ya! Tells you STRAIGHT - dont need the manuals...



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Im not really a book man, if i do read, tend to read magazines (mainly Revs, FastCar, Total Vauxhall, DJ, Mixmag), although Vinnie Jones' autobiography is a fuckin brilliant read . [sun]

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Bridget Jones is such a birds film, I remember watching literally days after having a massive row with a girl I was sort of seeing! It bored me that much I fell asleep half way through! I cant believe I went and watched it with my mate whos a bloke!!


The silly boy actually enjoyed it too!!! [Well Happy]

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The Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart.


Interesting idea, assign an action to each number on a dice, i.e. quit your job, leave your wife, give money to charity, etc, roll the dice and live life by chance.


It's a bit hard work tho ...

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
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gawd....i have a terrible habit over overlapping my reading....currently reading...


house of sand and fog-andre debus III




a very short introduction to buddah and currently on loan from the library are acid house/ecstasy by irvine welsh although i aint opened em yet...

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Originally posted by soph:

i really hate reding!!!


i guess that why my spelling is so crap!!!!

[Laugh] correct [Laugh] but then you are doing pretty well for an 18 year old - i was far worse!


[ 11 June 2002, 16:36: Message edited by: James ]

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Just finished man and boy by punkie geezer tony parsons.Can't see what everyone got emotional about though,even me mate said he was moved by it,the big girl.

God Im hard.


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I read this a few weeks ago, and his other one, One for My Baby or summink . I thought they were top, and yes, I admit it, did get a bit emotional. Mind you I was going thru a fair bit of relationship [censored] at the time. Still, top books, top author.


Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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