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Hi folks!


How is everyone feeling this morning?


I was away partying for a few days which made me feel pretty crap when I got up this morning, however, after 2 tins of red bull, 6 pro plus & a bananna, I feel 'kinda' back to normal, although I'm a bit shakey due to the amount of caffine in my body.


I'm startin to get really into things and am really lookin forward to my w/end ahead.


Was supposed to go to London tonight, although due to commitments, I am unable to do so, although a future venture to London is promised.


This w/end, I'm at La Lea which is a VERY stylish club which has just opened in Belfast, and then on Saturday night, I'm at our very own Clubb R which we are announcing it's closure, although this is only gonna be for a while, as the premises are getting completely changed...and I'm thinking of changing the venue completely, although I have loads of time to make decisions!


I have a wee list of tunes which could come in handy to download for some happy w/end listening if your not up to anythin. Click here for the list.




[ 14 June 2002, 11:44: Message edited by: A J French ]

Over The Top entertainment
DJ Agency & Artist Management
MSN - info@ott-entertainment.co.uk
MSN - ajfrench@hotmail.com
ICQ - 95166862

Paul Stevens (El Divino & Space), Agnelli & Nelson, Ali Wilson, Matt Smallwood, and many more...

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I'm absolutely fine and dandy thank you ever so much for asking you beautiful person you! I was walking to the station today and thinking to myself 'Oh, what a beautiful day it is today, the birds are singing (with short skirts on [Wink] ) the sun is shining and the sky is blue'!


But thud, reality kicks in, I then realised I was sitting next to a big hefty fat arse geezer bloke who arse took up two seats so I could only sit down on one arse cheek, he smelt of BO and kept letting of this disgraceful smell that obviously told me he had a curry the night before [Puke] !


The morning then proceeds to get worse, after you get off the train at this particular station there is a lift that takes you up to the normal level! There are some tits in this world that dont realise that the lift doors WILL NOT SHUT UNLESS THEIR BIG ARSE IS OUT OF THE WAY OF THE DOOR!


I then come in to work....


For BT......


Nuff said!



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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well i dont feel to good today! i went out last night and got a bit wrecked, i now have a headache and knackered. There isn't anyone in my office which is nice so i thought i could have a chilled out day but noooooo my boss is giving me loadsa work to do! [Grumpy]

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Mmmm, short skirts .... [LoveFace]


I'm a bit knackered meself this morning, that'll teach me to go to the gym every night this week ! [Tired]


Still, feeling a bit better after a luvly luvly latte ... Caffiene roolz ! [shocking]


Hopefully be back on form for this evening shenanigans doon the Fridge, party hard ! [Phycho]


[ 14 June 2002, 10:55: Message edited by: FredThe Baddie ]

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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Well, I'm not feeling too bad........still gotta' bit of a bad cold but I HAVE to go out tonight, there's no way I'm missing out especially as we're getting in free! Ahhhhhhhhh well, I'm sure I'll survive [Happy]

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Hey Bunnykins...

This is the Fridge.....

I was there last Friday. If you can't buy it there, you probably don't want it there. (subject to $$) Highlights were the free icy-pop's and banana's as you leave. This should be well vertical.

Live large and prosper! [sun]

bIkI m0nster
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la splat..

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Hello lovely people [Wavey]


Well, I am feeling quite good at the moment.

I got my nine month cherry broken this week and I just can't stop smiling [Well Happy][Well Happy][Well Happy]


Plus, I am gonna see my lovely Beckie La La this weekend and she is the best friend a fish could ever ask for [Hearts]


Not out this weekend, may have a date tonight, have to wait and see. Working tomorrow and gonna chill for the rest of the duration.


Seriously thinking about GCSS, been looking at it on the web today and it looks pure class [sun]


It's all good, even though it is raining [Flipa]


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i had a terrible hangover this morning, but am feeling a bit better, too bad the US is sucking ass, GO KOREA

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Originally posted by CreamyC:

Hello lovely people, just thought I'd tell you I'm leaving at 1pm today!


Oh.......it seems I already!!!

Bastard !! [Angry]

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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