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Big brother or is it jus too much bother?

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Personally i think its jus too much bother, never was a fan of the other big brothers but i think this new one is so [censored].

Everyone in there is boring and knows how to act cause theyve obviously studied the previous big brothers.

And then to make it worse youve got idiots like Jade in there who think Cambridge is in London and East Anglia is next to Tunisia!!

After this one i think it should be scrapped its gettin too un-original. [Question][Happy]

Thats enough of my opinion so what do you think???

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  • CTW Admin

big brother style programs will be phased out... people are realising that its better just to go out and DO something. I no longer watch TV (apart from porn of course).



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Originally posted by James:


big brother style programs will be phased out... people are realising that its better just to go out and DO something. I no longer watch TV (apart from porn of course).



That reminds me James, I've still got one of your vids James!!! I'll give it back to you at the weekend mate!! [Wink]

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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For Real [Well Happy]


Gotta say though, its the biggest load of horse toss on tele . The coverage on it is like its first man on mars or summit, pathetic . [bang Head]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
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