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would just liek to announce

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Well thats just [censored] me! I was scared of you anyway let alone you starting kick boxing classes! Its time to nominate you the CTW bouncer and kick potential scum out!!!


What d'ya reckon??

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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Originally posted by LibbyVanDyke:

That i start kick boxing classes on tuesday. so be nice.

I used to kick-box for a few years i do thai boxing now, you should stick at it dosnt take long to get the hang of its mainly jus about fitness its very basic compared to karate and other martial arts!!!


If the instructor asks you any questions tell him you can give a mean back hand and ridge hand and hell be impressed but tell him you need to improve on your snap kick but you hook kick is ok!!! [Happy]


[ 27 June 2002, 13:46: Message edited by: HouseWhore ]

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Well i'm a Karate Brown belt so [Flipa][Well Happy]


Would of progressed to black eventually but moved away from the area. [Confused]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
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