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What other types of music do you like?


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Well most of us like similar music when it comes to going out, but what other types of music do you like?


Me personally like pretty much everything except for country weston, rnb and garage, oh and shitty pop and cheese.


But what music background did you come from when you got into Trance, Hard House and all that?


At present here are a few bands, people that i really like:


Red Hot Chili Peppers, Zero 7, Pearl Jam, Lamb, Unkle


Where there is a few. I'm sure i will post a lot more when i wake up as i'm so feckin tired.

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Well i was into Thrash Metal before hardhouse - guess the hard thing stuck when my music taste changed as now i like anything above 140 bpm!

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Yeh -I've always bin into harder stuff - never liked sickly disco tunes [Crazy] I use to be into goth - the Cult, TOH etc!! Also always loved The Jam, oh and a lot of punk, US and Uk - Nirvana, Offspring etc, still get the cds out every now n then [Well Happy]

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I love listening to Eminem when I haven't got my trance on.

Had a bit of a wierd music progression really, started off liking r'n'b which moved on to garage (Sorry!) which then moved onto trance and hard house...........

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i like some of the stuff from Korn, Slipknot, Coal Chamber. Not enough to go and buy there albums though. There is a mask in slipknot that i really like. I think it's Cory, not to sure. He's the one with a white face and long black hair and a blood red streak.


At the moment i'm listening to Flagpole Sitta with Harvey Danger. You'll all probably recognise the song as it's in American Pie. But it's very catchy and i do like it.

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Aint it weird how 3 or 4 people who have replied were into thrash and heavy metal, i used to like that [censored] years ago, you must be born a 'HarderFaster' person i reckon [Cool]


The first album i ever brought was a trance one, and ive never liked another music since.


If i could remove two music genre's from the face of the earth, id kill Hip-Hop and Garage [Angry]

drives me MMAAAADDDDD !!! [Angry]


Especially that pratt eminem TARA !!!

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why hip-hop???? Old hip-hop is wikid so it trip-hop. But alas did you know that you can actually trace the orgin of trance back to music like hip-hop??


I also really like my oldskool scratchin. One of my fav Dj's in that area is DJ Rectangle and DJ Venom


[ 01 July 2002, 00:27: Message edited by: Scream ]

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i like a bit of indie n punk/rock when i aint listenin 2 me hard house n trancey stuff..i love bands like the stereophonics..A..blink182..coldplay..idlewild etc etc..never been into the really heavy stuff like korn or slipknot! bit too heavy for my liking! bit freaky n all [Crazy]

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I'm with Dinger on this one, never really been onto the "genres" thing, I just judge wether I like a song on its individual merits.


Sounds a bit poncy that!!! doesn't it??


I do quite often catch myself singing along to the oldies on Magic FM though, bit sad like that!!! [Roll Eyes][Roll Eyes]

no sleep 'till bedrock!!

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I dont mind old skool hip-hop at all, some wicked stuff, just todays stuff i hate with a passion.


If i had to choose one other type of music, it'd have to be some 80's stuff, top notch whatever anyone says ! They were the days !

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' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
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yeah hip hop is cool sometimes, I randomly bought a CD the other day called "BADMEANINGOOD" by SKiTZ and its pretty good, especially this tune by Roots Manuva called "Witenss (One hope)" its Fantastic! [shocked]



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less than jake, mxpx, sublime, milencolin, nofx, old old metallica, pantera, jurassic 5, beastie boys, incubus, old blink (nothing released within the past couple years), offspring, pearl jam, nirvana

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