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cyber kids in the US?


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After being in the US and Canada for quite a while I have to say I didn't come across any cyber kids [Confused]

I asked my cousins there about it and they just gave me wierd looks so I'm guessing they don't know much about it!

Some parts of the US are probably more relaxed and might have a cyber influence but from my experience, they have none!

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Originally posted by Tara2001:

After being in the US and Canada for quite a while I have to say I didn't come across any cyber kids

I asked my cousins there about it and they just gave me wierd looks so I'm guessing they don't know much about it!

Some parts of the US are probably more relaxed and might have a cyber influence but from my experience, they have none!

poor america! they dont know what there missing!




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candy kids are the equvilant to cyberkids, but they take the bead thing WAY to seriously.


If i'm correct the cyberkid thing kinda started at GC a long time ago. It started with a couple of friends, one of them happens to be a guy called Little Jon which i know. Well that's his nickname, really sound guy too and fookin intelligent. But it wasn't like the cyber you see today. It was more of a case of being different from the rest. Although he has done some wikid outfits in the past that are more cyber to what i think.



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The cyber culture in the States is confined to underground rave scene AFAIK, the simple reason being that you can't go out in public dressed like that without getting killed, the majority of Yanks are very anti to this kind of thing, as well as clubbing in general, muppets [Angry]

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Surprised there aren't more cyber's in

Canada as its a very trancey country, specially compared to America.

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in america, kids go to raves cuz they cant go to clubs cuz they arent 18 or 21 yet, once they reach that age they go to clubs and lose their ravish qualities, while the flourescent quality and blinking lights are not as pronounced in the us, there are the same type of baggy cargos with various straps and what not, and usually a tight shirt, with girls its baggy cargos and a tank top, and usually a visor, though thats only for the kids, once people get older they stop dressing like that cuz its not really good to wear to clubs, most clubbers in the us used to be ravers, there used to be in the late 90s like a flannel with a sweater on top and that was hardcore rave/club gear, with huge jnco's, very much influenced from the skater/boarder community

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there are plenty of 'cyberkids' at parties in the US. while the town i live in has no club like GC - which could be seen as a focus for such a community, i see plenty of 'cyberkids' out and about at a variety of clubs and events.


most clubs and parties i attend in the US are 21+ which means that younger dancers tend to have to stick to 'all-ages' shows which tend to be more underground, for want of a better term. that's maybe why people think that culture is not so prevalent. it is there.



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Yeah I've been on all these American websites and they have these candy ravers. They dress up like rainbow brite the cartoon charachter from the 80's. Looks pretty funky but not as good as the UK UV glowing look.



Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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Grant- I reckon there are less cyberkids in Canada than in the States. Went to a club called the Government in Toronto and the main thing to be seen in was black and lots of it! [Roll Eyes]

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i'm not to sure. I think it started in Leeds first then moved down to sheff, and for the life of me i can't remember the club it moved too, then i think to republic.


Not 100% sure there.

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