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Whatever happened to....?

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He was in James Bond last night, playing Scaramanga ....

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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Do you realised I missed the main plot coz I was talking to you last night you fool!!!


Anyway, Apparently Mr Del Monte retired from his job in 96!


He currently works in Somerfield as a Grocery assistant!!!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Originally posted by CreamyC:

Do you realised I missed the main plot coz I was talking to you last night you fool!!!


Anyway, Apparently Mr Del Monte retired from his job in 96!


He currently works in Somerfield as a Grocery assistant!!!

Want me to explain it then ? There's this bloke, the man from Del Monte, although he doesn't say yeah much in this one, and there's that guy wot used to play the saint, before he was famous, not the film with Val Kilmer innit, the Tv show, you remember ? Anyway, MFDM has got a gun right ? And cos he's loaded from all the orange juice adverts, it's like, made from gold and stuff ? Then there's quite a fit bird, well, when I say fit, she looks fit in the film, but I'm sure she's hanging now. Anyway, I'd give her one (only if she looked like she did in the film). And her name is Goodbye, or Night Night, or something, I forget. Anyway the point was she was fit. And erm, that's it I think. Hang on, what film are you talking about ?

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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