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cheering yourself up....

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i got told last night by this girl I've been seeing that she doesn't want to to see me any more [bang Head]


"bugger" i thought [bang Head]


so in my lunch hour today, i have phoned my loan company up and increased my loan by a grand [Well Happy][Cool]


i am now going to shopping and spend about half of it on records, clothes and drugs [Cool]


the rest of it i am going to take to ibiza with me, and spend it all, along with the money i had for ibiza anytway [Cool]


retail therapy - its bloody great [Well Happy]


however, the fact i now owe more money, is not so great [Grumpy]




[ 05 July 2002, 13:36: Message edited by: matthew ]

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Cheer up mate, plenty more fish in the sea ! [Happy]


Sayin that, on the downside who the [censored] wants to screw a fish !?



TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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Hmmmmmmm.....Do we have a pessimist on our hands, or is it just me?! I've got lots to say about this one!


Being single has it's pros and cons, as does being attached to someone. Trust me!! I have fun when I'm with someone, and I have fun when I'm alone. Not the same fun I guess (most of the time [Wink] )


I read your other post Richard. You've been single for 5 years because you've been secretly after a friend! Now that's all behind you, and you can let loose and be yourself and not secretly try to impress someone.


The glass is half full, not half empty!!



I am NOT a dj

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