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First Single?

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i think my first single was urmm that star trekkin one, hey i was pretty young, lol.


or maybe it was the one with cliff richard and the young ones. Aint the young ones good.


My first album i can't remember. Probably something from Queen or G'n'R.

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my mam bought me MC Hammer - cant touch this!! wot a tune! hehehehe! has anyone seen the video to it..with his really huuuuge trousers hehe [Well Happy]


think the first album i had was new kids on the block?? oh dearrr [Crazy]

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*Eat Smarties..Wear Pat Butcher earrings.. and romp with naked sumo wrestlers..

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Originally posted by nice1bruvva:

Respect to anyone who can tell me the name of the group that did that star trekkin song (I know it cos I'm old)


Star trekkin, across the universe, on the starship enterprise...along with Captain kirk..

how wiered - they were playing that at Jumpin Jaks last night and the DJ mentioned the name of the group - arses - I cant remember it.

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First Single : Prodigy - Breathe

First Album : I honestly can't think - UB40 one i think !


[Freaked Out][Crazy]

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' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
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Originally posted by nice1bruvva:


Respect to anyone who can tell me the name of the group that did that star trekkin song (I know it cos I'm old)


Star trekkin, across the universe, on the starship enterprise...along with Captain kirk..

Dont [censored] remind me! I had to dance along to that PAP when I was doing gay cabaret shows for the Families! [Grumpy]

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