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Embarassing Moments


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Has anyone done anything when they were little that your parents keep, but your really embarrased about, or something you did and now you cringe at the thought of it!


I did a little film when i was 16, paid well but now i look back it is sooooooo embarrasing and my mum has got about 3 tapes of it! aarrggh!

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ooooo oh yeah, my mum took a pic of me pissing on the car stearing wheel when i was a baby. LOL.


There was my dad shouting at my mum to do something but she thought it would be funnier to take pics.


She still has them [Freaked Out][Freaked Out]


Also i got reminded by one of my older cousins that while at another cousins i gave her her first golden shower. LMFAO


Well i couldnt' remember i was ickle, but she still has a go about it to me to this day. LOL.


[ 19 July 2002, 13:10: Message edited by: Scream ]

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taking my black trousers riddled with jizzm into the dry cleaners only to find a) the staff didnt believe me when I said it was yogurt and B) having the piss taken out of me by 7 other people in the queue behind me.


Hence my nickname "Jizzer"



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well,my mums got a photo of me pissing on the gates of buckingham palace when i was a nipper,much mirth regarding that one round are way.

Warming to think that even at such a tender age I was even then a stuanch republican.

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Originally posted by power_slough:

Too many to mention, and way too embarassing to tell u lot.

BTW, have you got any copies of that film you mentioned Lia??

It was a film that was set back in the olden days when you had horses and carts and we had to wear black thick woolen tights, etc uurgh!

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Originally posted by Lia:


Originally posted by power_slough:

Too many to mention, and way too embarassing to tell u lot.

BTW, have you got any copies of that film you mentioned Lia??

It was a film that was set back in the olden days when you had horses and carts and we had to wear black thick woolen tights, etc uurgh!

Oh well, worth asking!! [Wink]

Bam, bam, boogie, say up jump the boogie, to the rhythm of the boogie to beat!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by flakey dove:

well,my mums got a photo of me pissing on the gates of buckingham palace when i was a nipper,much mirth regarding that one round are way.

Warming to think that even at such a tender age I was even then a stuanch republican.

Much respect to u for that, i bow in the presence of the wise one!!! [smileJap][smileJap]

ok then, if you twist my arm....

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I once went swimming in a sandpit when i was three. The older boys told me it was a swimming pool so i stripped down to my undies and went for a splash. Needless to say my Mother was'nt to impressed when she found me doing the breast stroke in a puddle of sand and cat [censored] [Crazy]

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