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new laws in the US?...


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just heard that the police over there have the right to shut down any club that sells bottled water or has a chill out area??!!???!! .... pretty serious then!!!

does any1 have any info on this??

dreaming of paradise

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Ask Alasdairm, he's from the US of A.


I get sent regular emails about the laws on US Clubbing. Once I get the next one, I'll post it here.

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i think i understand where this rumour got started. it's a case of people adding 2 and 2 and getting anything but 4. from www.sflnc.com:


"Federal Senate Bill S 2633 - "The Reducing American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act (RAVE Act)" could have a devastating impact on Late Night Culture throughout the country by giving federal prosecutors new powers to shut down events. This bill is rapidly moving through the Senate and may be voted on this week.


This bill expands the so called "crack house statute" and will allow the federal government to fine or imprison promoters and event organizers if event goers sell or use drugs at their events. This legislation could lead to fines of thousands of dollars for event producers and venue owners."


it's oppressive and misguided to say the least.


in the findings of the bill, there is a section:


"(6) Because rave promoters know that Ecstasy causes the body temperature in a user to rise and as a result causes the user to become very thirsty, many rave promoters facilitate and profit from flagrant drug use at rave parties or events by selling over-priced bottles of water and charging entrance fees to `chill-rooms' where users can cool down."


i think somebody has just latched onto this text and started a rumour that selling water or hosting a chill-room is reason enough for authorities to shut a party down.


things are not that bad (yet?) [Confused]




[ 26 July 2002, 00:18: Message edited by: alasdairm ]

"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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