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what pet do you have?


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Scream...I think my dog Ginny (named after Guinness of course) would love to go for a romp int the park with yours!!! She's a lab mutt....very adorable!!


Sometimes I want to ring her neck tho' 3 shoes and counting!

I am NOT a dj

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ooo my dog keeps going after my shoes, the ones in the background he likes but thank god there old and i only use them for work that they'll get wrecked in. But he does like my addidas ones, and he's had them twice and i on every occassion have threatened to kill him.


Even though right now he is just sitting next to me as he likes the fan blowing air over him, lol.

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  • CTW Admin

When I was married I had....


8 Chinchillas

5 Guinee Pigs

2 Rats

4 Mice

1 Gerbil


2 Dogs (stafs)

2 Cats

2 Rabbit

2 Horses

1 Shetland Pony


errmmm - I think thats it !!!


GOD did that house stink !! - ask my sister!!!


Now I have 'nothing' by my trouser snake! Anyone wanna adopt it ?? hehe



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i have a trouser snake as well, he only has one eye poor little guy, i pet him on a regular basis which he really likes

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Trouser snake? Could you make it sound any less appealing hahahaha!! Just kidding!!


What the heck did you have all those animals for? I get home from clubbing in the morning and I have to take my dog for a walk or she doesn't let me sleep!!

I am NOT a dj

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james you sure your ex mrs werent michaela stracan mate, fcukin ell !! [Freaked Out]


I have two x racing greyhounds which are black.

did have three until one passed away last year, he was an x 'A Class' champ at wembley before it got knocked down bless him !



TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
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Haven't got any pets of my own, but two gorgeous Lurchers (Buster and Syd) and two cats (Bart and Homer) down at my parents.


It's the best arrangement. I get to play with them and have fun, and my parents have to look after and feed them!

Email & MSN: pdb_1@hotmail.com
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