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Libby, welcome back! From James - not me! Personally I told James to BAN YOU FOR LIFE but because James is so nice he decided to let you back! I HAVE BANNED YOU FROM PM'n people because I think thats the only way you're gonna learn not to mess with me! You should know your place!


Anyway, welcome back, haven't spoke to you in time and by my calculations you haven't taken the piss out of me for around two months, why, have I done something wrong?


Reagrding PM's, I aint got a clue, you'll need to ask James!





MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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ok ok - you can PM again now Libster.

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sorry about the language there james..


creamy u pile of spunk...u r pushing it you monkey!! and why have i never spoke to you! You have to ring me, if yo have any money on your phone, but then again every penny counts down south doesnt it! *kidding*


Wub_Wub - nice! yet agaiN!


Jimbo - Thanks hunny

clubber with a passion

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Originally posted by beckie in la la land:

in think you should be banned again.


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Libby Labido - was that you screaming FISHY, FISHY, FISHY down my phone at 10:30 on Sat night ??? [Confused]


I have got a new phone and not yet transferred all my no's over, so I thought it might have been my mate C ? [Laugh][Laugh][Laugh]


Fuckin hilarious babes, you were getting all of your mates to say hello to me - if it was you ? [smileJap]


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I just looked at your profile Libster and noticed your birthday!!


Bet you had a blast last birthday didn't you!! (poor libster)


Incidently, that was the date i was supposed to be born on but I was two weeks late.


take care





no sleep 'till bedrock!!

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