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James Vs James


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Attention people, as some of us discussed over the weekend we put it to James what he'd prefer! A beered up twat who calls Creamy a C**t for no apparent reason at 3am or a shite talking knobber on it large that never makes any sense! He has also claimed that whatever the ClubTheWorlders decide he will go with! Think very carefully peeps, we are changing James's life! Us - the members - will control him and every move he makes, wha hahahahahaha!


What James? - YOU DECIDE!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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For clarification we are talking about 'Messy 6am James' Vs 'Beer Boy James'


If we choose the latter he has to give up 'certain things'... [Laugh]


p.s thanks kev - id totally forgotton about this coversation [Razz]


[ 29 July 2002, 22:24: Message edited by: scouseladuk ]

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i chose the shite talkin knobber lol, for a coupla reasons....

!. It makes me laugh so much

2. He wouldnt be right/suit bein a beer boy

3. He likes doin it

4. And cos im one too [Well Happy][Roll Eyes]



You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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The shite talking nobber - i just cant forget THAT line 'Ignore this sentence & listen to the next one' !! ! [Laugh][Laugh]


James - take your head for a shite!! [Laugh]

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MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
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well after meeting james for the first time at the weekend i reckon he should stay as he is [messy james] - your conversation with that canadian woman in the car park after gkgg was absolutely hilarious! [Laugh][Laugh] how many times did you ask her where she was from??! [Laugh][Laugh]


this poll should work both ways, if the result is 'shite talkin knobber' i think james should give up beer, seems fair [Wink]


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After the other night I seriously go for 'shite talking knobber'! He turns into this Essex Boy twat when hes had a few beers! Although the amount of the 'other stuff' he has is quite unreal!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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yeah - I wanna know who voted for the beer monster option too ?!!!


Must admit I used to hate myself in the days of Beer Monsterismn - that was only like 2 years ago - going out - getting totally wrecked every Wednesday, Friday & Saturday night - going through every girls number in my phone book ringing them up pleading them to go out with me - thank GOD I'm not like that anymore!!! (?!)



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