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Just thought I would say a little hello as I haven't really been posting much on here at the mo [Wavey]


In a bit of a funny moodt to tell you all the truth, everything is going well in my life at the mo, but I just seem to be waiting for something to go wrong [Crying]


Really enjoyed meeting all of you new peeps in Society and catching up with the old crew [GroupHug]


Suppose this is just a " I really don't know what is up with me at the moment ? " post [Freaked Out]


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hunny, if you're life is so cool at the mo, don't go around with a low brow all the time!


My life is peachy at the mo. Good friends, good music, good social life, great gf. Things could not be better.


But I am no way waiting for badness. I'm getting out their and embracing the all knowing wonder of the life of the Wubster!


This is changed to the 'Fish's life is cool and so is Wubs' post! [Laugh]

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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Awwwwww Fisj...im at a bit of a funny spot, went all weird yesterday [Confused] still am a bit but if uv said that everythings goin ok for u at the mo, u should just enjoy it babe!! [Well Happy]


PM me if u wana chat, or catch me on MSN if u got it!! [Happy]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Originally posted by Claire DC:

Awwwwww Fisj...im at a bit of a funny spot, went all weird yesterday
still am a bit but if uv said that everythings goin ok for u at the mo, u should just enjoy it babe!!
[Well Happy]


PM me if u wana chat, or catch me on MSN if u got it!!

Couldn't have said it better myself! Talking stuff over with a mate is the best way to solve any downess you may be feeling.

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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Hiya Fish, we've never really spoken before. [Wavey]


I get like you are sometimes! Especially when im by myself, you have more time to think things over. Its just good to be around mates thats takes your mind off things and enjoy everything around you! [Well Happy]

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Hiya Fish!


Hoe you got the CD ok.


I'm in one of those moods at the moment too hun! Must be the weather or sun spots or the alignment of the planets.


Do like I've been doing the last couple of evenings... drink a bottle of red wine. Makes you feel great in the evening, and then in the morning you're so pissed off at the thumping in your head you forget what it was that was bothering you. [sun]

Email & MSN: pdb_1@hotmail.com
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Only Smart-E's have the answer!

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Originally posted by Fish:

Just thought I would say a little hello as I haven't really been posting much on here at the mo


In a bit of a funny moodt to tell you all the truth, everything is going well in my life at the mo, but I just seem to be waiting for something to go wrong


Really enjoyed meeting all of you new peeps in Society and catching up with the old crew


Suppose this is just a " I really don't know what is up with me at the moment ? " post
[Freaked Out]

Hey Fish - this is really Bizzare - I'm feeling that "nothing is actually wrong but feel something is / I haven't figured it out yet" type mood - its really annoying me as I'm really ressless at night and can't relax.


O well, at least Ibiza is in 4nabit weeks!


Take care hun.



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Hey Fish


My life sucks at the moment, well sorta.


I went through a stage after i lost my dad of looking in the mirror and looking straight through myself, life really sucked then and i could have easily lost all self esteem, but i didnt, strong in mind an all. I think we all go through certain stages where something really bothers us and we cant put our finger on it, or we end up waiting for the bad that comes from the good. Not always the case, CaireDC was down yesterday, and i sorta cheered her up, plus your among friends here, and what are friends for?



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Thank you so ,uch for all of your support - it really means a lot to me [GroupHug]


I am gonna pull my fins up and stop moping around [Well Happy]


Wub Wub - it is so good to have you on this board, you are a star in the making [star]


Claire - will mail you in a bit babes, you are one crazy chick and methinks we may be two peas in a pod [Laugh]


Lia - haven't really chatted hun, but you sound like such a lovely person, thanx for your kind words [King]


Dakers - got the Cd this morning thanks babes, am gonna listen to it when I get in tonight and have a strange feeling that I will feel totally Euphoric after listening to it [sing]


James - you know how much you mean to me, we don't even have to communicate to be on the same level [smileJap]


Dakers - soz you have had such a hard time babes, hope that things get better for you [Wink]


Well, I have just found out that it is NATIONAL ORGASM DAY and that has really cheered me up !


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Originally posted by Fish:

Thank you so ,uch for all of your support - it really means a lot to me


I am gonna pull my fins up and stop moping around
[Well Happy]


Claire - will mail you in a bit babes, you are one crazy chick and methinks we may be two peas in a pod


Well, I have just found out that it is NATIONAL ORGASM DAY and that has really cheered me up !

Ok babes, hehe we could be one pea in 2 pods tho cos thatd be crazier [Razz][Laugh]


And as for NATIONAL ORGASM DAY, can it be rescheduled please to a day when i wouldnt have to rely on a lil shaking plastic object...id much prefer the real think!! [Well Happy]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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OMG - the second Dakers was meant to read Diablo - soz babes, I so live up to my blondeness ! [Roll Eyes][HeartBeat]


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Fish, what's the point in worrying about something that hasn't happened, you're just gonna eat yourself up inside [Confused]

It was nice meeting you in the 'pool.

Don't forget, you've got some great friends, and we're all with you whatever happens ! [GroupHug]

So cheer up, yeah ? [Wink]

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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