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what does every one do for work?

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i work with people with special needs, like down syndrome n autism... some times i think ime in need of help more than they r! [Wink] especially from say like friday 2 monday 4 example! [Wink]

keep life simple then u neva get dropped from a great height.

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I'm a senior solutions developer (software) for a US company who are the biggest & best marketing company in the world (in my opinion, as I've worked for most of them).


Most of my knowledge is in the Oracle database side of things, on a Unix platform. I code in C/C++, Perl and recently been involved in parallel processing environments and CORBA technologies (distributed objects). We are currently building a huuuuuge CDI (Customer Data Intergration) environment using leading parallel processing engine technologies and I'm involved in developing the in-house tools and operators to allow our Data Administrators simple point-and-click type interfaces to build customer databases leading to profiling and targeted marketing etc... bla bla bla.... I think I'll shut up!!!!


[ 02 August 2002, 11:59: Message edited by: James ]

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I'm a student but work at cacfoa in the hols. Fooked up name isn't it! It stands for The Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers Association, which isn't much better!!!!


Likes it HARD!!!!


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Originally posted by Mitz:

I'm a student but work at cacfoa in the hols. Fooked up name isn't it! It stands for The Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers Association, which isn't much better!!!!

[Wink] Do you get to borrow the uniforms at weekends?

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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I'm a dental technician (not a dental nurse), i'm the one you never see at the dentist, i work in a lab and make false teeth (falling asleep with boredom).

There are only so many teeth you can see (and act like you are interested) in a life time, that's why i wanna be a full time DJ.

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