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If you could have one superpower what would you have?

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i would have x-ray eyes, so i could see which lottery cards were winners. Honest.


(It has nothing to do with the fact that the temp whos just started has the most fantastic arse I've seen for ages and I want to see what it looks like with no clothes on. Honest)





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Like the idea of the multiple orgasm fing!!!! [Well Happy]


Would be cool to be able to read peoples minds, then when a lad asks if he can get you a drink you would know that most of the time he was actually askin if he can get you into bed!!!


Its so true though innit!!


Likes it HARD!!!!


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It would have to be the power to make myself invisible.


I'm trying to think of some reasons that won't make me sound a perv but can't so my reasons are.... Ladies Changing rooms (Invisible mmmm)

Ladies bedrooms (invisible mmmmmmm)




Bam, bam, boogie, say up jump the boogie, to the rhythm of the boogie to beat!!!!!!!!!!!

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to be able to predict anything

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