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i have been in a foul mood this afternoon

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i have been shouting my head off at pathetic school leavers cos they're not good enough to be part of my team.


refused to make tea/coffee for anyone apart from myself.


done very little work.


not answered the phone.


swore at a client.


had about 5 smoking break this afternoon, when every one else gets 1.


taken the piss out of a south african.


all because i have an inner conflict in my head about wheather or not i should see a girl on friday night.


this is only the second time this year i've been like this - so i don't really care.



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  • CTW DJs

If there's any potential for sex take it.

School leavers need a slap anyway, it's in their contracts.

They should be making your tea.

Swearing at clients is fine. They expect it.

I do very little work and my phone is permanently on Do Not Disturb.. even my boss has to ring my personal mobile to get through to me [Well Happy]


Just my tuppence worth anyway Sir

Email & MSN: pdb_1@hotmail.com
Mob: 07788 133678
Only Smart-E's have the answer!

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