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Office Move - Friday 24th May 2002

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  • CTW Admin

Just a quick note, Paul and I finally have a move date confirmed for this Friday (24th) so I'm afraid I cant come along to any events in the next week and then we've got Debs & Fish down the week after. If anyone can take pictures from the events this weekend I would very much appreciate it - we need proof that CTW sticks to its plans, plus its a lovely way of remembering the night and letting people see what they've missed (me in this case, sob sob)


[star] Kev [star] - did you sort out a digital camera yet ?



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Best of luck mate, its a really stressful time [bang Head]


TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
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james, we're gonna' miss yah at the Viaduct but if its any good we'll be going again anyway! [Well Happy]

I'll have my camera but as I can't email pics I doubt it'll be very useful!!! [bang Head]

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Get 2 copies of photo's and post 1 copy?



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