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saying what you think

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Well seem as though james said to say what u think..here goes:


Ctw is a decent site and everyone is nice and friendly. But sometimes i think people can be too friendly. I have seen a lot of arse licking going on, but then they contadict themselves totally in the next sentence. Phrases such as 'oh i totally agreee, i agree 100% and im with you' are used too regularly...I know that it is very often that you do agree with each other, but sometimes people agree, then say something completely opposit in a different post, just what ive noticed. I think that it is a very good site, but there is a LOT of arselicking and people being quite false. But thats only my opinion, im not looking for an argument by the way anyone. Im jsut saying whati feel, as James said. I think that agreeing with eveyrone is a good thing, however a diversity of opinions often helps others much more. SO GET UR SHITTY NOSES OUT OF EACH OTHERS ARSE! *kidding*

clubber with a passion

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  • CTW Promotors

Prepare for WANK emails now Lib! It appears thats why I have been receiving wanker emails coz obviously some cowardly bastard on here dont like what I have to say but feels that cant tell me in front of everyone! It should be about disagreement, it shouldn't be about who can score the most brownie points by being the sites biggest arselicker! Personally I haven't seen any arse licking from anyone YET!! By the way LibbyVanWinkel dont think I'm arselicking you just coz I agree with you coz it aint the case!


By the way Garage is wank and if anyone has a problem with that please feel free to ask me for a fight especially the So Solid Wankers coz I'll sure oblige ya !

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Garage is shite, however rnb isnt. and i like it. - see how its done. NICE.


garage is shite creamy, i honestly agree, i 100% agree, i give you my totaL existence and soul in agreemenet, i am guna come down and agree on ur head, o i agree so much its such agreement, i am going to pass out with agreement.



clubber with a passion

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  • CTW Promotors

I have to disagree with ya there (tee hee)


Seriously though, I think most people have said if they have different opinions. Just today I put a post up in "on the pull/where is everyone from" that disagreed with James, and I've seen similar posts from others on different subjects.


People I've chatted to or met have actually been really nice & pretty genuine!

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  • CTW Promotors

I dont do arselickers, never have done, never will! There are times it can get arse licky so thats why I stay well out of the convo completely! I'm not saying we should all be bastards to each other but sometimes people can be a bit over sensitive!!!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Admin

well said Libby (agree with you 100%!!! - only joking - hehe)


I confess I have DEFINTITELY been arse licking the ladies in the house recently and as others have spotted me and emailed me about I can see that we are just running this site to meet birds - but honestly thats not the whole reason its being run - we want to meet clubbers of any gender.


I will deffo be EVEN MORE HONEST than before and I wont be afraid to call Kev (or a bird for that matter) a w*nker / str*mmer.


Cheers - lib - I respect your views! If this is gonna turn into a REAL community then we really do have to start being more honest. I also think we need to stop swearing so much (creamy - take note) as our associates abroad DO take offense (I get this at work all the time when accidentally forwarding rude jokes to our US colleages).



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  • CTW Promotors

James, your shooting yourself in the arse! We're all saying everyone should be honest and say that they want how they want yet we cant swear?? Dont tell me we live in a perfect world where no one swears, do we not swear in a club? Out with mates? Not really, if its a big no no not to swear on here then okay I'll accept it but I think its a bit cheesy saying "James, you bumhole" Doesn't have the same effect does it !!!!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Promotors

Libby you poo!


For our American friends, please accept that babies nappies are actually called nappies and NOT Dipers and Trash is actually Rubbish and NOT Trash!


Thank you for your co-operation!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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