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creamy c leaves the forum


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good , im glad and so shuld u all be as well, hes a p**** , i have been reading his coments over the last few weeks and i think hes a complete p****.


good [censored] riddance to him , and wheres james his friend the pervert , we all know wot u two r up to , listen girls , dont fall for their [censored]. i hear creamy has been crying about getting dogy emails , there not dogy just honest.


thats all for now , just to say im glad.




[ 08 June 2002, 11:15: Message edited by: SarahPvc ]

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If anything it is YOU who is the prick, as OSM states, anyone who's actually met Kev and James will know that they are a pair of good blokes who's aim is to go out to have a good time with good people. At a guess given what's been said I'd say you're the one who's been been sending Kev the emails, well done for finally coming clean but you're still hiding I think, who are you really?


Oh btw, if you read his post he's not left, he's taking a week long sabatical to sort out some problems he's having and then he'll be back, so [Flipa]


[ 07 June 2002, 22:04: Message edited by: Dinger ]

Nathan Bell: Don't be afraid, to let yourself go
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Sarahp - what problem exactly do you have with Creamy & James? Bit ignorant really considering you have never met them dont you think?

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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By the looks of things it seems this is the same person that has been emailing me! I'm not getting into any slagging matches here because this site is not about that, its obviously something of a personal problem this person has with me and James! If you're reading this Sarah P please email me personally or call me, this will be kept confidential and hopefully we can sort this out, I dont really have time at the moment to deal with this so please tell me what the problem is!!


I'll leave this message up until tommorrow and then it will be deleted because it seems this is intended on stirring and I know James and the rest of you dont want that!



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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sarahp@youandyours.net is the email address


this cracks me up - I honestly dont know a Sarah P - yes I like my blonde girls but I am NOT a pervert - even Soph will vouch for that!


This is quite funny and surely not worth deleting ?! I think I've only ever deleted 2 posts and I realise I should have never deleted them.


The hacker deleted about 142 posts - which I'm pissed off about as it has the original message from me, which Kev (CreamyC) replied to with the subject "Desperately Seeking Clubbing Partners"


Sarah P - I dont take offense honest, but I can see that Kev would. Do you ever intend on coming clubbing with us or do you just want to email him abuse - PLEASE (pretty please) EMAIL ME - I LOVE this kind of stuff as it EXPANDS MY MIND (honest) - and you seem unique in that you are the first to come out with this stuff - respect to you (in a funny sort of way).


Do you wanna hook up in London (Tottenham Court Road) to buy some vinyl with me and Paul tomorrow - if you do SMS me on 07799 038836 - if not - [censored] OFF!!



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Originally posted by CreamyC:

I'll leave this message up until tommorrow and then it will be deleted because it seems this is intended on stirring and I know James and the rest of you dont want that!

Kev - please leave this message up ! It kinda lets the other members know our character I think and makes us more 'human' - i.e. not just something lost in the realms of cyberspace! yes guys - we really do PHYISCALLY (not virtually) go out clubbing every week.


I would be out tonight / tomorrow night but my ankle hurts and I'm missing Soph - blesh her - I will see you tomorrow Soph - I'm sorry if I've said anything nasty - I didnt mean to - you know we will be mates for life and that I love you very very much.


James [Crying]

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The sooner this ongoing saga gets sorted, the better . Sarah, i dont think abusing someone behind a PC is the way to resolvin summit do you ?


If you actually took the time to read other posts and meet up with Kevin, James and all the other CTW regulars, you'd realise that they are ALL a top bunch of easy and outgoing people .


You are bang out of order .

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
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Sarah P, get a life chick !

I have met these guys and they are lovely, please take your arrogance to some other place as it is not wanted here !


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