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FAO James, re Avatars

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its all fairly easy, just go onto your profile and where it says about the avatar, just select one off of the list given !

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
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If you find one you like on the web and its small enough in size email it to me and I'll set it up for you.


The ones available are the defaults, although I added a few 'cooler' ones last night.



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Yeah, I'm having exactly the same problem, where exactly is this avatar list ? I can change me pic, interests etc, but no avatar list [Confused]

Fred The Baddie
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Originally posted by One Smart Monkey:

I'm sorry, I must be really dumb, but I go to Private Messades/Profile at the top of the page, then to view/update profile, but when I am there I can't see anything about avatars. Please help the inflicted!

If you do this you should see it bout half way down the page. It says avatar image- if you click the text next to the box you get a list of pics

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