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Site Migration to New Servers

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  • CTW Admin

I tried to get this done yesterday but had forgotten a few things and realised its not a 5 minute job!!


I will hopefully get this done this week. I've got a wicked deal whereby I can have GIGs worth of space (instead of MBs worth) and also no more data transfer costs. Thanks to Mike Davis @3Drevolution.net for sorting this - I used to work with mike here and I can tell ya he is one clued-up-muthafooker !! hehe


Being on a virtual server platform where I have proper telnet and can install what I want I can finally get developing the new site properly, although ADSL is still a no-go in our area!!? AARRRGGHHHH!!!!! [bang Head]


With virtually unlimited space (although, sorry guys, no streaming audio/video allowed, well, not yet) we can truly have one of the best collection of clubbing pics in the UK - and the difference being we actually KNOW the people as they are members. As time goes on you will see me only taking pics of members, with the occassional pics of new potential members obviously.


James [smileJap]

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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