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How typical - I wake up this morning all blurry eyed whilst James gets ready for work, has a shit, has a shower then leaves the house. Now it's time to concentrate on going back to sleep.


The god damn phone is ringing non stop only to later answer it and it's my mum "Oh I thought you would be in bed. Can you help me re-install my broadband modem ?"


I was JUST falling back to a nice sleep aswell mad.gif

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  • CTW Members

sounds like my mum.......no consideration at all....im gonna make sure im like that when my kids leave home.


just for revenge on being shits"!!!!!!!!!!!! mad.gif

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  • CTW Promotors

sounds like everyone I know!!! Always the same, when you think ooh nice lie in, feck its either the door, the phone or some twat being noisy!!!! mad.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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