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News: Search Engine Rankings

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  • CTW Admin

Unless I've got the search engine mechanisn all wrong and this is only specific to my own searching the current rankings appear, remarkably, to be the following - this is pretty damn good considering I'm not using any special submit services...



Search Criteria: Clubbing Community


Yahoo: Ranked 1st of 16,700 sites


Google: Ranked 2nd of 47,800 sites


MSN: Ranked 2nd of 23,181 sites


Lycos: Ranked 4th of 78,938 sites[/code][/indent]



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Promotors

James, do u submit any info to search engines? I am told they use metatags or something on certain pages? If this is the case is there a way of tagging pages so that when any relevant words are searched on it comes up with our site?

(Note to everyone else - Please excuse the lack or web knowledge) [Confused]

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Admin

yes, but currently only on the home page!!


Keywords are as follows - let me know of any changes / additions / suggestions please ...



CONTENT="clubbing community, community, real,

clubbing partners, find mates,

find friends, club listings, news,

music, message board, clubbing,

trance music, house music, clubs,

photos, pics">


CONTENT="Clubbing site with photos, club reviews, club listings and message board.">[/code][/indent]


[ 16 August 2002, 15:40: Message edited by: James ]

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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