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CTW in Ibiza 2002 (31st August - 7th September 2002)


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Not sure if we've done this before but I want this to be the full master list of all those going to Ibiza 31st August - 7th September 2002

I then want to turn the list into distinct groups of people - detailing who's booking when, with who and where they are flying from, plus where their accommodation is going to be in Ibiza, along with hotel or apartment contact details, and a few of us will have lists of mobile numbers. Would be good if you could list your spending limit on flight / accom for the one week, but its looking like most will book 2 weeks prior for a late deal through someone like BeachBeats.com

The first phase is to get this full list so please reply to this if you are going, which airport you will be going from and list the other names in your group and whether they are a CTW member or not.

If you are not coming with us here are a few links to help you find a deal ...

  • www.etext.co.uk/dx/dx
  • www.holidaywarehouse.co.uk
  • www.holidaysearchengine.co.uk/bargain-holidays.html
  • www.tvtravelshop.co.uk/


--------UPDATED LIST 23/07/02---------

Group 1

Group 2 - Leeds (Confirmed Booking)

  • @SarahPVC, @CaptinRik & friends
  • (Jan,Cymon,AndyB,Eliie,Glen,Chloe,AndyBar,Michael,Gary+Wife,Nick+April)
  • Fly - 1st Sept 07.00 from Manchester
  • Acc - Bossa D'en Mar Apartements - Playa D'en Bossa
  • Cost £323.00 per person.

Group 3 - London Girls Group (Confirmed Booking)

  • @ElsxBells
  • @Bunnykins
  • 2 of El's work mates??
  • leaving Gatwick 31st aug 3.30pm
  • arr. Ibiza - 7pm
  • cost £222
  • staying San Antonio Bay - Hotel Puchet 2 * half board
  • leaving saturday 8pm

Group 4

  • Addy2Hotty and friends
  • 31st August - 14th September
  • 18-30's San Antonio

Group 5 - Liverpool Possibles

Group 6 - Oxford Crew!

  • @Tara - confirmed
  • Jon confirmed
  • Floppy confirmed
  • Ollie confirmed
  • Paul confirmed
  • George possible

Other Possibles???


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Me and Dawn (Kenikia) are definately comin as yet we dont know many details yet, may be goin for 2weeks aswell!! But put us down for definates and we'll let you know as soon as we've decided what we're gonna do in relation to flights accomodation and duration of holiday!! [Well Happy]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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I'm with CM on this one, definately up for two weeks from 31/08.

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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The first phase is to get this full list so please reply to this if you are going, which airport you will be going from and list the other names in your group and whether they are a CTW member or not.


Due to the fact that i got such a warm welcome on this very site, i have decided that i'm going to go for it even though i know nobody and come out to Ibiza with you all. I haven't got anything confirmed or booked as yet but if there is anybody flying from Londonish and hasn't booked up yet could they possibly please contact me to maybe get a group booking or something??? God i am so excited about the whole deal, can't wait, look forward to meeting all you guys!!!!!

It's better to say i did, than i wish !!!

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Hey Dinger - apologies mate i forgot to add ur details on too. was just looking back through previous emails.


The Hawaii isnt booked yet and its not sorted as a package deal - this is the only problem. With extra flight, 7 nights half board is roughly £350. The Hawaii is a lovely hotel with air con etc in the rooms (This aint no 18-30 hotel!!).


The only problem i envisage is that ive heard its a bit of a family hotel with a kids club etc. Im not sure how they would take to us pumping some tunes or coming in a little worse for wear at 8am. Maybe im being paranoid but after nearly being chucked out of family hotels in the past for playing music what i consider pretty damn quiet i wouldnt mind playing this one a little bit safer.


What does everyone else think on this?

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Think i might book 18-30 to be safer lol, u know how it gets [Roll Eyes] Am just gonna see whats available!! Have seen a lota 18-30's ones, one for 2weeks departin 31st for £259 i think!! If i find anythin ill keep u posted!! [Well Happy]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Originally posted by Space Funky:

The first phase is to get this full list so please reply to this if you are going, which airport you will be going from and list the other names in your group and whether they are a CTW member or not.


Due to the fact that i got such a warm welcome on this very site, i have decided that i'm going to go for it even though i know nobody and come out to Ibiza with you all. I haven't got anything confirmed or booked as yet but if there is anybody flying from Londonish and hasn't booked up yet could they possibly please contact me to maybe get a group booking or something??? God i am so excited about the whole deal, can't wait, look forward to meeting all you guys!!!!!

Hi mate, for a london booking you're probably best speaking directly to James. Although its pretty certain we'll all be in the same hotel the flights may be different. I for one dont relish the 5hr wait for my train again when i land back in blighty! [Confused]

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Space Funky!!!


I am going from London and haven't booked either, the reason is I am waiting for my g/f to see if she can afford it but I told her that I was gonna book it soon regardless..


will definately be booking mine 1st w/e in August so if you want I can tell you what deal/flight etc we/i got (depending on if she comes)


my mob is 07776212997


take care mate


Bruvva (neil)

no sleep 'till bedrock!!

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Originally posted by scouseladuk:

yeah ive seen loads of them too claire. 18-30s are shitty hotels but at least u can play music. personally im pretty happy with a bed and a shower.


still i reckon we see what everyone thinks

I know a nice one, well the rest of hotel and reps room was nice!! I'll think of name of it and find out more bout it!! I actually know another one thats ok too!! Im happy with a bed and shower too!! So long as clean and no creepy crawlies ewwww!! [Well Happy]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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I'm probably booking this - by end of THIS WEEK. I will be flying from London.


Hotel Hawaii - San Antonio


Operator and Date: Airtours


Submitted in May 2002 by : John Denise Martin Kirk Jordan Paige + Dot .35 35 14 12 8 6 69


Resort Rating: Excellent


Accommodation Rating: Excellent


Holiday Review:


HOLA Well what can i say- we've been to ibiza for the last 5 years and enjoyed every minute of it.The hotel is excellent with air con fitted last year,the food was of mixed dishes with english,german,spanish and french, not forgetting the veggies being served on differant days,A good selection of wine is for sale with evening meal as well as beer and soft drinks,the service is excellent as the waiters/ess with help when ever they can. HINT tip the waiters/ess on the first day and they will look after you for the rest of your holiday. The food served at the snack is cheap and good not forgetting the snack bar at the end of the path is also linked to the hotel.The bar staff all speak good english but if you want to try out your spanish they will help you out, if you get it wrong.


The evening entertainment is excellent with mini disco for the kids and medals to be given out for the days activitys then for the shows, of which when we was there, 14 differant shows for the fortnight.


If you dont like eating at the hotel there are plenty of places to eat at of which we use The la-kiki cafe which is above a great supamarket, walk further round the bay and you will find plenty of things to do as many bars have things to do for the kids,for the adults try the Pink Panther bar for the best cocktails (4 litres) and a good time also Cocanut Grove with its huge inflatable slide and good entertainment for all the family.


Becareful when hiring a car use the euro-car hire companys they have excellent back up and good cars, get a car with air con.


If you come up against the "lucky lucky"men just say no and the will leave you alone, play with them and they become nasty, just remember they live here and know all the scams going.Everything the sell can be bought alot cheaper from the stalls in San An town,Fancy a trip on a boat then try the boats at the habour the champane diving trip is brill as long as you can swim as the bottles are about 10/15ft down,ALL the reps will try to sell you the best package for your holiday trips, these NICE people make about £10 per person per trip so dont get conned you can get a bus to most places



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There are not enough people going from each region to each hotel to get the group bookings we wanted - we tried but just not enough interest.


I'm booking by the end of the week - either Hawaii or another 3 star hotel in San An - £350 limit.


Sorry peeps - I've used up all the available time I can in planning this.


Debs/Dave/C/Kev/Pander - I will speak to you over email aboout our little group.


See the rest of you out there - my mobile number is 07799 038836 - TEXT, PHONE, or EMAIL me to let me know where you are staying etc...



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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me and Jon are up for coming to this one!

we're booking our own accomodation sometime in the first week of august, it doesn't matter if everyone doesn't stay in the same hotel, i'll be bringing my phone and its easy to arrange meet ups that way!

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  • ClubTheWorld changed the title to CTW in Ibiza 2002 (31st August - 7th September 2002)

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