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CTW in Ibiza 2002 (31st August - 7th September 2002)


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  • CTW Admin

Just to let the people who like me are wanting to book asap in fairly decent hotel - myself and Cerealia will be looking all over the net Friday/Saturday morning and booking Saturday WITHOUT FAIL.


If you are wanting to book at the same place as me I will need the cash paid into my account by Friday/Saturday morning so we can book it all together. SMS me your mobile number so I can call you up Saturday morning to run the flights/accom by you - 07799 038836



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I was going to pay by credit card, so if you could let me know who you're booking with, I'll book it straight away, 'cause like I said in my message, I want to get sort things sorted before all the deals are gone.


Thanks for sorting things out by the way, it sounds like this has been hard work! [Happy]

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I am definitely coming, but have no way of transferring money to you by Saturday (don't get paid til Friday)


I'm going to be in London Friday night so is there any chance of meeting up with you maybe and handing you over the readies????


Like i said, I am a DEFINITE for larging it on the Isle, so, any thoughts on the transaction matey ????

It's better to say i did, than i wish !!!

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  • CTW Admin

ok mate - no worries - i would too be up for a 2 weeker but i'm wanting to go away somewhere else as well this year and dont have enough days left.



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Wow.. Late post right at the bottom.. If your anything like me I never bother reading the ones at the bottom, but here I am anyway !


Travel Details


Tour operator: JMC

Flight Time: 31st July 15:25 Gatwick

Arrive: 7pm ish

Accomodation: Hotel Pacific


Leave at 04:10 on the 8th I think (not got paperwork to hand)


Sorry I do not have a room number heheh [Laugh] but I do have a map.. I think its near the EGG ! I HOPE.... click below to take a look.


Location MAP !

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Originally posted by Andy C:

Sorry I do not have a room number heheh
but I do have a map.. I think its near the EGG ! I HOPE.... click below to take a look.


Location MAP !

Yeah, the Egg is the little white thing in the middle of the red roundabout. You're very near the centre of San An..

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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  • CTW Admin

How cool is this - Paul's gf Jenni is going and so they have now booked another room - which frees up a space for Iain - so now I think we have 4 rooms between us all - not to mention another 4 that Sarah is booking for today - I've lost count on how many people are going - but this holiday is gonna ROCK!!


Anyone got any ideas on the best way of arranging meet-ups - you know how it goes - everyone tends to be in different moods after the first couple of nights and end up wanting different things / organising things lastminute.com - I think what I'll try and do is go round the local hotels during the day at a set time and mention whats on / get a feel for what people want to do - hopefully we will end up with no more than 2 splintered groups going out. I'm sure we will be able to get EVERYONE out together though for at least 3+ nights - that will ROCK.


Daddy also knows a guy who own a 250k yaught - for 10 people its £100 each to hire it out - if any of you lot are up for it let me know - it can take us out during the day and then drop us right outside a nightclub in the evening - we all walk up to the front of the queue and everyone wonders who the feck we are! hehehe


Can everyone please make sure their hotel details are either on the message board or EMAIL me them - I reckon we should at least all arrange to meet up on the Sunday at a specific place/time and learn where each of us are staying. If anyone else has any better ideas let me know. I'll also try and post a message on the boards whilst out there as to what the masterplan is that day/night. Like I say people can do what they want when they want and there is no pressure to come out every night - but I will personally be doing everything I can whilst out there. I know the people going out for 2 weeks will want to take it slower - just keep us informed of what you're up to and make sure someone in your group has a mobile for texting.


This is gonna ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Me and Jon will be out EVERY night that week, most likely going to pretty much the same things as you guys. I'll have my phone on me so it would be quite easy to arrange meet ups that way wouldn't it?

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  • CTW Admin

loads more people from Ibiza-Spotlight.com going the same dates as us - I'm trying to go through and make a list of the names/hotels so we can all meet up - if anyone can help me I would appreciate it ....



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Don't think I'm going to be able to make this now peeps... [Confused]


I need to sort my finances out, and as much as I really need a holiday to sort my mind and body out, I think perhaps it's not such a good idea.


I might change my mind later, but by then it'll probably be too late!


Hope you have a wicked time!

Email & MSN: pdb_1@hotmail.com
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James just to add the Oxford crew will definately be coming Ibiza

Group 6

Tara confirmed

Jon confirmed

Floppy confirmed

Ollie confirmed

Paul confirmed

George possible


People have you seen how massive this is gonna' be???!!!!!!!!!!! We now have 6 groups of different people who are definately going, MENTAL:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [GroupHug]

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Hi everyone,


I`m a seriously up for it clubber who has been seriously dissed buy his not so seriously up for it clubbing mates. ie I wanna go to Ibiza (for the first time)but have no one to go with or share a room. I`m cool with the first week of september when it seems a lot of you are going.


There is another topic going with a room for 350 but that`s a bit high, I`m looking at the sub 300 range. Can anyone help a desprate fellow clubber? [Confused]

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  • ClubTheWorld changed the title to CTW in Ibiza 2002 (31st August - 7th September 2002)

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