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check your mail now! (your 2k yahoo one) I have info regarding glasgow which you need to let me know your views on quickly.


cheerserooni [Wavey]




ps and if you're not creamy, why are you reading this? [Kitty]


pps you are welcome to glasgow on the 29th whatever your reason for the above is [Happy]


(there MAY be a very cheap hotel deal involved!)



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Sorry Sigs, been a bit busy dude, that offer of a room for that price sounds excellent mate, get me that if you can, how would you like the money?? I can give you instant access to my account if you want coz I'm that kind of guy!!!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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hey creamy, thanks for ditching me for dinner on sunday [smileJap]

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I didn't ditch you, I was sleeping like a baby and just didn't wake up! I got charge extra for the car coz I forgot to take it back on time!!


I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you mate! Can I take you out to dinner some other time?? [LoveFace]

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Originally posted by CreamyC:

I didn't ditch you, I was sleeping like a baby and just didn't wake up! I got charge extra for the car coz I forgot to take it back on time!!

You dozy bugger ! [Roll Eyes]

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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Rubbish my arse you filthy dog, I was knackered, the fact they punished me for a ridiculous amount which I'm gonna speak to the right honourable Tony Blair about! That weekend cost me seriously!!!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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DAMN! [Angry]


Im afraid all the glasgow hiltons are booked up completely and they wont let me get you a room creamy, I was really hoping I could get you one [Crying]


so what do you want to do?




do you have a ticket yet? (i know i keep asking [Roll Eyes] )




sig [Wavey]

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should be able to find out today (and tell you tonight) if I can do the hotel thing, we can sort out money somehow, will just play it by ear.


sig-a-num [Wavey]

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hey your private messages are full, so I am going to have to just post it as I wont be able to in the next few hours, here it is....


hi dude, just wondering what you want to do for accomodation? I mean you are coming right? I only wonder because you haven't really answered some of my posts/emails and Im only wondering whether you really are coming. please dont think I take any offense, you may just be dead busy, I just want to finalise whats going to happen when/if you come up.


I know it must be kind of weird making your way up to meet someone you dont know much about, I am really looking forward to going to the arches though, and if you want to join me then that would of course be great. Also like I said you can stay at mine if you want, though if you would rather (and i would understand) stay at a hotel then maybe you should book it soon? I was really hoping to get you a cheap hilton deal but they are all booked up like I said (well thats what they say anyway....)


Dont get me wrong Kev, I am quite relaxed about this thing, if you come then cool, if not, also cool [Wink] I just want to make sure you dont really want to come and dont want to dissapoint me or something. I do hope you come up as Im always interested in making some new friends, and I can promise you (as you should be able to tell by now) that I feel the same way about clubbing and the friends I would like to have, though like I said you may want to arrange one or two things soon if your coming up(like getting a ticket soon is important [Well Happy] )


apologies for the essay, I hope you understand what I mean (I have read this again to make sure Im not talking rubbish [Happy] )


And one more thing, my flatmate (good guy though not into trance etc as much as me but up for a good time) is coming along also so it shouldnt be too lonely plus I think I may be able to get some other people along, if not, what the hey, it promises to be a banging night..... [smoke]




ps now that this is a post, please feel free to invite yourself along [sun]

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hope its ok to post my message (just wasn't sure if you would see your email)


and tsk tsk to those of you who once again are not CreamyC! [Roll Eyes]

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Yep, no worries Siggy, definately coming! Sorry for my lack of response in the last few days, I've been given 'homework' to do by this craphole company and its prevented me from replying to any emails! If you could post / PM / email me details of a meeting place once in Glasgow then that would be super smashing great!!!


I will be checking ALL emails tonight!!!



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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You lucky bastards, that is gonna be one hectic club night. Bet there won't be a better trance night than that this year.

AND.....DuMonde are there [shocked][Crying]


Hope you have a good'un, ill catch DuMonde @ the gallery arena, GKGG anyway. [sun]



TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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ok great! [Cool]


I can meet you when you arrive at the station or anywhere basically, maybe we should swap mobline numbers? - then we can at least keep up to date with each others movements, plus Im sure you have as little idea as I do when you will have recovered from the Friday night [Crazy]


bestest best,


Sig [Wavey]

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