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Are you an animal in Bed??


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Take the Animal Quiz! http://www.thesite.org/magazine/sex_and_relationships/animalquiz.html


Grrrr!!! You sexy beast! You're a party-goer, the life and soul! Anything goes, and its usually instigated by you. Role play, bondage, it's time to get kinky. You're passionate, energetic, raunchy and sometimes noisy! Anyone caught in your claws is gonna be walking funny for the next few days. Easy tiger!.




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Cuddly and snuggly. You love romance and being pampered by a partner. Candle-lit dinners, red roses and soft, moody music all set the perfect tone for you. In bed you're very sensual and eager to give your partner as much as they give you. You love sex but it isn't a major priority in your relationships. You're at your happiest being cradled in your partner's arms


Spot feckin On [Kiss]

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I'm an owl...


Reserved and thoughtful, you choose your partners carefully and with caution. You are respected by your partners and are not easily taken advantage of. You are charming and romantic but it takes courage for you to open up to someone sexually. Once you do open up you are an attentive lover and pleasing your partner is more important to you than personal gratification.



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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It's always the quiet ones... You may act innocent and sweet on the outside - but that's just a ploy. You're normally well up for it and are eager to experiment - anyhow, anywhere, everywhere! You're not much of a sucker for romance, when you're partner gets too soppy - it's a hoppity, skippity jump into bed with the next suitable candidate

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I got the same as you Scouselad!

It's always the quiet ones... You may act innocent and sweet on the outside - but that's just a ploy. You're normally well up for it and are eager to experiment - anyhow, anywhere, everywhere! You're not much of a sucker for romance, when you're partner gets too soppy - it's a hoppity, skippity jump into bed with the next suitable candidate!

Bam, bam, boogie, say up jump the boogie, to the rhythm of the boogie to beat!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by power_slough:

I got the same as you Scouselad!

It's always the quiet ones... You may act innocent and sweet on the outside - but that's just a ploy. You're normally well up for it and are eager to experiment - anyhow, anywhere, everywhere! You're not much of a sucker for romance, when you're partner gets too soppy - it's a hoppity, skippity jump into bed with the next suitable candidate!

I think it's trying to tell us we are sluts power_slough...

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Originally posted by scouseladuk:


Originally posted by power_slough:

I got the same as you Scouselad!

It's always the quiet ones... You may act innocent and sweet on the outside - but that's just a ploy. You're normally well up for it and are eager to experiment - anyhow, anywhere, everywhere! You're not much of a sucker for romance, when you're partner gets too soppy - it's a hoppity, skippity jump into bed with the next suitable candidate!

I think it's trying to tell us we are sluts power_slough...

Now I know why everybody at work calls me Manwhore!! [angel]

Bam, bam, boogie, say up jump the boogie, to the rhythm of the boogie to beat!!!!!!!!!!!

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ive done this b 4, ime an owl...


Reserved and thoughtful, you choose your partners carefully and with caution. You are respected by your partners and are not easily taken advantage of. You are charming and romantic but it takes courage for you to open up to someone sexually. Once you do open up you are an attentive lover and pleasing your partner is more important to you than personal gratification

keep life simple then u neva get dropped from a great height.

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You are a Koala!


Cuddly and snuggly. You love romance and being pampered by a partner. Candle-lit dinners, red roses and soft, moody music all set the perfect tone for you. In bed you're very sensual and eager to give your partner as much as they give you. You love sex but it isn't a major priority in your relationships. You're at your happiest being cradled in your partner's arms.


[ 08 August 2002, 08:51: Message edited by: Dakers ]

Email & MSN: pdb_1@hotmail.com
Mob: 07788 133678
Only Smart-E's have the answer!

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