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Ibiza 2002 photos

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hi everyone


just managed to get some pictures up on my faceparty page if you would like to have a gander at them sorry they are a bit poor quality I've been trying to sort that out hence the duplicate set on there but unless you are a member of faceparty you probably wont be able to view the better quality ones there till they check and ok them but even them ones look rough on that site for some reason.


I'll have more up soon



Numb Numbs smile.gif







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leave it out bruva i'm getting upset now I keep getting messages on that site from girls but they are more interested in who this bloody guy in the blue shirt rather than me! grrrr... smile.gif


glad you like to the pics Elly hope you are starting to recover from the week smile.gif meet you all again soon hopefully



numb bums


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I didn't go to this which is one thing I was a little bit gutted about but you lot that went to the Garlands closing Dreamer party have a look at these




can't see any of ya's smile.gif



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