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digitally imported has a deep house channel


tried it once and didn't like it.



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This post was recognized by James!

LiquidEyes was awarded the badge 'Helpful' and 10 points.

Deep house has a more "loungey", chilled-out feel. It tends to be slower than your usual funky house music. Generally around 120-128bpm.

It has a very different sound from funky house, as it's a lot more sparse (less intense, less going on). However it can still be really funky. Some deep house sounds really dull to me, because it is not funky enough, but on the other hand I've got some really interesting, quirky, techy stuff in my collection.

At some point I'll knock you up a deep house mix... it may not be your cup of tea but it's good to go to sleep to! :smile:

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i see what you meen about "loungey"


the 1st track on the website that phil recomended i quite liked. wasnt excited about it mind, but it was a good track. the next 3 were basically lift music. especially this jazz number with a sax playing and a minimal funk beat thumbsdown.gif


what about electroclash tho?

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
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QUOTE (Mr_Happy @ Mar 22 2004, 19:04)
i see what you meen about "loungey"

the 1st track on the website that phil recomended i quite liked. wasnt excited about it mind, but it was a good track. the next 3 were basically lift music. especially this jazz number with a sax playing and a minimal funk beat thumbsdown.gif

what about electroclash tho?

Hed Kandi, when they are in three rooms normally have deep house as the chill out..they do some cool deep house mixes... as well....i fink its cool but then i like arabian house, and buhdda bar stuff which is even more loungy, and sparse than deep house..so i would!!!




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QUOTE (Mr_Happy @ Mar 22 2004, 19:04)
the next 3 were basically lift music. especially this jazz number with a sax playing and a minimal funk beat thumbsdown.gif

That tends to be the problem with bad deep house - it either sounds completely boring and disposable, or naff like lift muzak!


Then again, bad trance, bad techno, bad hard house etc etc are all pretty embarrassing too...


Deep house should be all about the interesting sounds and the funk ... albeit "head-nodding toe-tapping" funk rather than "leaping around" funk. smile.gif


BigEee, like your new avatar! thumbsup.gif

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QUOTE (Mr_Happy @ Mar 23 2004, 08:38)
arabian house and buhdda bar? blink.gif

u just made them up tongue.gif

nope...bhudda bar' s a record series, one of the best restaurant bars in paris, and what Jules listens to in his villa in ibiffa, apparently, oh and 25 notes a time...so i've bought loads ohmy.gif

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QUOTE (LittleMissLoud @ Mar 24 2004, 08:17)
I would class Naked music as deep house - it's a US label, with people like Miguel Migs and Blue Six releasing stuff, and it's wicked to chill too - more bar/ home music than club music for me though.



There are literally hundreds of quality deep house labels - Inspirit, OM, Offset, Guidance, Fluential, BlueM, Odds And Ends, Glasgow Underground etc, to name but a few.


One of the best examples of deep house at the mo is this mix by a guy i know called Chris Woodward - he's the sunday night resident at Neighbourhood in west london (should any of you ever decide to venture in to the more down-tempo side of house music).


Check it out, and as they say in London,



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well kind of

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