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Best Clubbing Experiences


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All of them!! Prob best ever had to be Ibiza this year tho - or Tidy Weekender for sure!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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Probably going to Bagleys for the first time for Slammin Vinyl !!!


O... and then again at Milton Keynes - Santuary (spelt wrong?!) - seeing Rat Pack !!!


Actually I'm really missing a bit of Drum n Bass right now - anyone else ???

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James, am with you on that ... and i've recently found out that my mates ex now DJ's at Best Of British ... might try and tap her up for a CTW Guestlist when i next see her if anyone's interested bigsmile.gif

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Mine's gotta be Ibiza this summer or The Tidy Weekender... both were brilliant! thumbs.gif

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I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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Pacha this year for Release Yourself. Met some greet peeps on the terrace, the music was excellent all evening, the place rocked. Ahhh the memories.


Also, got to include the 1st illegal rave I went to in a dirty warehouse somewhere near Manchester back in 1989. Great atmosphere, the place was surrounded by old bill when the party ended mid morning.

why won't my misus give me anal?

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Years and yrs ago, going to Rock world to Herbal T-Party, which was a Technoy sort of night. Went to a careers fair in Manc, so in a suit and all, and was waiting for the last train back to Sheffield with my GF of the time, when 2 mates got off and convinced us to go there. Didn't take much convincing. In the cloak room, we handed in crystal glasses, novelty rabbit slippers and other silly stuff, cos it was near Xmas. It was a tremendous night, I think mainly cos of the sponternaity (sp) of it all. Mr C from the Shamen was playing and couldn't mix for [censored], but played some mad choons. The atmosphere was brilliant too !! monkeydance2.gif

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I'd say most experiences really, except any in Royale's, Uxbridge ! disappointed.gifangryfire.gif

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
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id deffinatly say the last tidy weekender... had the best time of my life there.. no words could actually do it justice (sounds corney, but na mind!) or storm at the end of nov last ur.. went 4 our works christmas meal 2 this really posh place, i went cybered up ;) dropped bout half way thru the meal so i was cummin up nicely by the end then went storm after..i was just buzzin so much a massive grin from ear 2 ear.. got my piccy taken with tidy boys aswell.. bonus! smile.gifgrin.gifsmile.gif

keep life simple then u neva get dropped from a great height.

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UPDATE: Hardhouse Academy, Brixton. Used to think Fabric was the best for Drum n Bass / prog. techno house - but HHA is an even better overall experience.


If anyone know of any similar nights ENSURE you let me know ...


"I'm not thick, I just haven't been handed the information yet"

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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In response to


Poster: HelenTheNurse

Subject: Re: Best Clubbing Experiences


It was NYE's at cream 2 yrs ago!! with evilhedfuk!

It was a wicked nite.




Yes it was a very good nite!

Oakie played a blinder!

I'm glad your first experience has stuck with u!

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Mine has to be the Garlands Closing Party at Space in Ibiza this summer!

We were there from 5 in the afternoon till 6 the next morning and it was free!

I've never seen such a happy, mad and up for it crowd. There was not a single beer boy in sight and there was no attitude at all!

The terrace was open in the day with Judge Jules and John Kelly opening with a back2back set dropping allsorts of funky stuff old and new but pinnacling with Queen's - Another One Bites the Dust! which went down a storm!

Once it got dark it was straight inside for some harder stuff with Anne Savage, The Tidy Boys et al playing some banging tunes, Jules played another set with lots of the big Ibiza anthems, followed by awesome sets from Paul Masterson and Eddie Halliwell.

On top of the great atmosphere, I also got to meet a few of the crew of here (if only briefly).

All together one unforgetable nite! nut.gif

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