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So many people (mostly [censored] knobs) tell me "You'r too old to be going to clubs" etc etc.

"Ibiza, are you mad, is this a midlife crisis, I woudn't be paid to go there" etc etc etc.

90% of them r older than me, I'm 33 BTW!! Yikes


However, the same people are more than happy to go out and get falling down drunk, ending up at the most appalling meat markets most weekends!!


I don't let it bother me, but it does get RIGHT up my nose angryfire.gif


Over the last 9-10 months, I have got pally with a couple of real good geezers at [censored], who have a similar mindset to mine (yup they r younger frown.gif), but have never even mentioned my age!!


I don't get out clubbing as often as I would like due to being stranded on a rock 9 mile by 5 with licensing laws more akin to our great grandparents.


I think I am the best judge of when I am too old to go out until dawn clubbing, and intend to do just that so long as my body lets me!!


Ne1 else experience this wierd "age" thing from friends/ colleagues??




why won't my misus give me anal?

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A couple of friends of mine returned to clubbing this year after having had 2 children. They're both 41 and love every minute. BED regulars atm as far as I know...

  • CTW Members

F*ck them, you are who you are and don't let anyone try to change you or make you feel bad about what you do.

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
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Age really shouldn't be an issue and amongst clubbers i don't think it is. I meet loads of different people of all ages from all over the world and thats one of the things that i love about it.

And i'd much rather meet people who have a good time doing what they want to do than boring farts who don't enjoy a good nite out! smile.gif

  • CTW Members

I know that one, I am 30, and I have just dyed my hair blue, to which all the "mundanes" at [censored] have a good laugh, someone even accused me of trying to recapture my youth. I'm only 30 for [censored]'s sake!!! I may consider calming down and being sensible when I hit 35 but I hope to still be partying till, well......whenever!!


My best friend is 26, and most of the people I know from clubbing are 17 - 25, and they don't seem to have any problems with my age. Yeah, maybe I don't get quite as wrecked as they do, but personally I think that has more to do with wisdom than being over the hill I have done the "getting so trolleyed you can't move" thing . Now I know how to go out and have fun, and still make it in too [censored]. (I know that sounds old and boring, but let's face it, [censored] does pay for your night's out).

Go out, have fun, and tell anyone who has a problem with it to stop being so [censored] boring and live a little eviltongue.gif

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while i was clubbing at the cross i met a women who was 52 and she was of her face and having a great time!!

Age doesnt matter, as long as ur having a fab nite.... monkeydance2.gif



Taking care of Clubbing Casualties....

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52, now that's cool.......


There was an article in Mixmag a few months back avout people who got mashed and went clubbing with their parents, now I'm not sure about that one. Well at least they know where their kids r!!!


1 of the benefits of being at older end is that u were around in the early days 89 etc when a cheeky was a full weeks wage for a YTS! My 2 first 12" singles take pride of place in my collection "Everything starts with an E" - Ezee Posse & "French Kiss" - Lil Louis.


I think I fail on Blinks point though about the state 1 attains when older!!


My misus's old man for the past few years has been asking about "dope" as he calls it. Unfortunately I wasn't there but his son and gf made a few joints one night, and he got stoned for the first time ever after wanting to try if for years. He is the most respectable chap you could ever meet!! I don't think he has tried it since, but has at least satisfied a burning desire.


Be appy



why won't my misus give me anal?

  • CTW Promotors

Im quite old & i still go clubbing! - i think im actually getting younger than older tho!

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