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Best ever clubbing experience - What's yours?


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hey kev


well, you can see that pic on a regular basis by stealing it from the website - my friend leeanne took it and i'm sure she would not mind your copying it...


i've been thinking about what you said about luck. i've made a bunch of choices in my life which have caused me to end up in san francisco - a long way from edinburgh. if somebody had told me 10 years ago i'd end up here, i probably would not have believed them.


it so happens that burning man takes place in the black rock desert which is relatively easy to get to from san francisco - 6 or 8 hours on the road. i suppose if burning man was in brazil, i may not have discovered it quite so quickly. so that may be described as luck. i guess luck is another word for destiny, chance, whatever - depending on your viewpoint.


i know i hammer on this a bit but if burning man has taught me anything which i truly believe in, it's that we're all in control of our own happiness. people are only miserable because they choose to be miserable. that seems like a hell of a strange choice to make.


another thing it taught me is that, while burning man is in so many ways a specific event in space and time, it's also a way of thinking.


this didn't really strike me until after the first time i went. i noticed for example that the streets here are full of trash which people drop. it's so unnecessary and a tiny bit more thought on the part of a large number of people could lead to a much tidier city. so i've started to be a lot more careful about dropping things like cigarette butts and other trash. might seem like a small gesture but it makes a difference.


i experience burning man moments every day of my life and i finally realised that i don't have to be at burning man to enjoy burning man. i can take it with me wherever i go.


you probably don't realise how lucky (haha) you are living in london. when i lived there i spent a lot of time up on hampstead heath - it's one of the most beautiful parks i've ever been in.


i have a story about a sunset on hampstead heath which is where the whole 'magicglasses' thing got started. but that's a story for another time.


so go enjoy a sunset or a sunrise up on the heath and be happy knowing that we're in charge or our own destiny and, no matter where you are on the planet, if you wait a little while, the sun will rise or set and it's worth watching every single time - it's so beautiful.


if you want to experience that photo personally, here's where it all starts:





"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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originally posted by CreamyC......

QUESTION! And this is a tupid [censored] arse question, the tune from 4clubbers and children, is it associated with the site 4clubbers.net?


No it isnt & ive got it on MP3 if u want it.

Am also being sent the bootleg version of Faithless - we come one - the fantastic remix without the vocal by non other than Monkey Monkeyson off here - he made it - what a star.gifsmile.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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alasdairm ...


I so so agree


We can get so much from life, you just have to learn to be content with what you have and be joyful of what you receive.


(No flilthy comment CreamyC!!)

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As long as you recieve it well thats good then! A good recieving is always good!


Alasdair, gonna use it as a wallpaper on my desktop!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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