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Photos by your name when you post


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How do you get the pics by yer name when you post so folk can see my scary ugly mug.


Also can you change your title from "clubber" to summat else?


Any help appreciated





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  • CTW Promotors

Email James a piccie of yourself that you like, he'll re-size it and then send you an address link! You then paste the link in your profile pic section and it will then also appear your avatar!


Email James to James@ClubTheWorld.uk

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW DJs

the photos ('Avatars') can be altered in your user profile, you just need to post the link to a picture that's fairly small (I can't remember how small)



As for your title Clubber, this can only be changed by special request to the powers that be, ie James or Sarah.

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Cheers lads - will sort this out once I find a half decent picture so could be a while



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