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FAO: Everyone - New Virus !


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  • CTW Admin

mmmnnn... nice ! angryfire.gif





The Virus creators have been at [censored] again, and have created a new extremely potent Virus named ‘Roron’


Unlike the last few Virus’ that spread rapidly causing disruption to systems, downtime and a lot of man power to remove, this Virus DOES have a destructive payload, destroying data on hard drives, network shares and attempting to disable any virus protection software that may be installed.


The Virus itself has many ways of infecting computer systems, it’s main forms of transport are:


· Email notes as attachments - Which may appear to have come from a friend or family

· Network Shares - Such as local folders shared on your own machine with ‘Full Access’ permission set, please make sure you protect your shares with passwords or make them just ‘Read Only’

· Peer to Peer (P2P) software - If you are using any software of this nature on an internet enabled machine you must be extra vigilante as the virus will copy itself to your machine even without your knowledge.


With this virus there is no particular subject header or chain of text to look for as this is randomly generated. You will all have to be extra vigilant when opening strange or unexpected Emails. It may appear to be the latest fun game from a relative/friend etc. but may be the virus in disguise that has been sent from that persons machine when infected unknown to that user.


So please do not open any Email attachments that do not look [censored] related or are from an unknown/untrusted source, please just delete these Emails without viewing.


We have taken all precautions our end to make sure this virus stays out of Acxiom systems, please help to do what you can your end.


Can you all also please check your home machines to make sure that you are running the latest Virus Definitions on your Norton install. Anti-Virus software is useless unless it is kept up to date.




CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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