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CTW games

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I was havin a little chat with creamyC the other day about making a ctw game in flash. We were coming up with some ideas of games to make that include certain members off the board.


We did have a couple of extremely funny ones and one i'll make due to watching animal hospital the conversation that followed with creamy.


Can you lot think of any ideas for ctw games?

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  • CTW Admin

my mate paul did a 'flash' fruit machine - with members faces as the fruit !

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  • CTW Admin

how about a HUGE game of CTW Monopoly ! bit tricky methinks !

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Clubbing the world together ...

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would be good, the programming would be difficult. would have to build the engine in Java with XML interface to relay the information to Flash.


It would be possible but would take a while. OR you could build it entirely from actionscript, i'm just mullin it over in my head right now and it wouldn't be that bad i think. But that is within a two second thinking process

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  • CTW Promotors
I think it was SarahPVC, with the ket, in the VIP room


Nah - def wasnt Ket!

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  • CTW DJs

what if you did like a plate for game, like the classic mario only in flash.


you have to collect certain things throughout the level to get onto the next one etc etc dunno what they would be though.


story line, ermmmmmmm James has been kidnapped by some evil git and only the almight club the world members can save him. or something like that anyways wiggle.gifnut.gif

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