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[ CTW Weekender ] Dance Valley 2004 - AMSTERDAM


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Well if its about the same time it will be the 6th August.


Think I'll start putting £20 aside a month. Should give me enough for another 3 day weekend. yay.gif


Maria, I doubt it but its worth a "shot". beer.gif (excuse the crappy pun)

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QUOTE (Maria @ Aug 13 2004, 17:28)
QUOTE (Ginge @ Aug 13 2004, 16:26)

Maria, I doubt it but its worth a "shot". beer.gif (excuse the crappy pun)

user posted image


Very funny Ginge ! user posted image

Just when you thought I couldnt get any worse, THAT steaming bag of shite emerges from my finger-tips. thumbsup.gifnotworthy.gif

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What can i say that hasnt already been said?!

This event was awesome and blew the socks off anything i have been to before.

The organisation, the sheer scale of the place, the sound system, the consistently good music and the fab bunch of people i finally got to meet made it an event that will live long in my memory..

Me, Helen, RickD & Debs must have danced all night - showing those young'uns that we still have stamina!

James/Maria, great to meet you guys - anytime there is a midlands thing going on you can stop at mine - perhaps passion or GK?

Ginge/Craig - what can i say?! - you certainly kept a smile on my face every time i saw you both! How were the DVDs?!!

Colin & Els.. a pleasure to meet you - be it very briefly..


If anyone is thinking of going to this next year, dont think, just do it! I'll be there for sure.. AVE IT!

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Mark ! I wandered if you or Helen were still alive haha !


I have done the pictures and posted them up.


Check the Photo Links Forum, I have also posted a link up for the review.


How good was this event though ? I still can't stop thinking about when I am not doing anything. I so miss it sad.gif


But it was so great to meet you and Helen finally, you guys are sooo nice to be clubbing with and seperatly from that, you are indeed two very nice people ! Itwas so nice to be at the event with you both as well as Ginge and Craig.


Deffo meet up soon. Let us know when you guys are going to Passion next and we will have to sort something out and come up and see you !


Hope all is well - keep the memory alive thumbs.gif


Maria x

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Awww fanks!.. grouphug.gif


It was great to finally meet you and James after sooo long on the site.. you are both stars and im looking forward to hooking up with you again soon.


Yeah, we are still alive but i think im still recovering from heat exhaustion!

The weather was just so hot but we shouldnt complain as rain would have really spoilt it


Only just got access to Helens pc today and ive been itchin to see the photos and read the reviews..PC is really slow so i will have a good look tomorrow when i get home


Its going to be end of the month before we go clubbing again i think but we'll see what meets are planned and definately try to get to one soon..



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QUOTE (Mark 2 @ Aug 13 2004, 18:44)
Ginge/Craig - what can i say?! - you certainly kept a smile on my face every time i saw you both! How were the DVDs?!!

Craig managed to get his grubby little mitts on 10 vids for 30 euros, all about half an hour long and all a complete waste of money. WORST PORN EVER. lol.gifyes.gif


I worry 'bout that lad at time. yes.gif


It was good to finally get to know you and Helen properly, you are both the "top bollox" (thats a positive thing incase you were wondering). grouphug.gif


Only 359 days til the next one if my calculations are correct. yay.gifwoot.gifyay.gifwoot.gif




If anyone is thinking of going to this next year, dont think, just do it! I'll be there for sure.. AVE IT!


I couldnt of put it better myself. notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif

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Thanks for the kind words Mark ! I think we deffinatly need to hook up more often and I most CERTAINLY will be going nto DV next year. This time round, we should ALL try and book in the same hotel and get our arses out there at least the day before. Who knows, if we can get a good group of numbers going, we may hit some kind of discount !


Deffo agreed about the wether situation. I am so so glad it was hot, as I caught some tan ! yay.gif


Only last night I managed to get time to put them up as I had to resize them all and put them up by individual pic and not bulk. Took me ages !


Anyways, keep in touch, drop us a PM or seomthing when you want to hook up through the month / future.


Send some hugs to Helen for me !


M x

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QUOTE (Ginge @ Aug 13 2004, 19:21)
QUOTE (Mark 2 @ Aug 13 2004, 18:44)
Ginge/Craig - what can i say?! - you certainly kept a smile on my face every time i saw you both! How were the DVDs?!!

Craig managed to get his grubby little mitts on 10 vids for 30 euros, all about half an hour long and all a complete waste of money. WORST PORN EVER. lol.gifyes.gif


I worry 'bout that lad at time. yes.gif


It was good to finally get to know you and Helen properly, you are both the "top bollox" (thats a positive thing incase you were wondering). grouphug.gif


Only 359 days til the next one if my calculations are correct. yay.gifwoot.gifyay.gifwoot.gif




If anyone is thinking of going to this next year, dont think, just do it! I'll be there for sure.. AVE IT!


I couldnt of put it better myself. notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif

haha! you only had to look at the box to know they were gona be shit!


Let us know what you guys are up to next time and we'll arrange to meet up again..


Cant believe its been a week already no.gif

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QUOTE (Maria @ Aug 13 2004, 19:36)
Thanks for the kind words Mark ! I think we deffinatly need to hook up more often and I most CERTAINLY will be going nto DV next year. This time round, we should ALL try and book in the same hotel and get our arses out there at least the day before. Who knows, if we can get a good group of numbers going, we may hit some kind of discount !

Deffo agreed about the wether situation. I am so so glad it was hot, as I caught some tan ! yay.gif

Only last night I managed to get time to put them up as I had to resize them all and put them up by individual pic and not bulk. Took me ages !

Anyways, keep in touch, drop us a PM or seomthing when you want to hook up through the month / future.

Send some hugs to Helen for me !

M x

Yeah definately... we should book the same hotel and go a day earlier..

Enjoy escape in the park if you are going..

So miffed that im going to miss this today..really wanted to see Tiesto again

Im going to look through the photos now!

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QUOTE (Mark 2 @ Aug 14 2004, 17:03)

So miffed that im going to miss this today..really wanted to see Tiesto again

Tiesto was AMAZING. I think I love him !


I managed to get back stage aswell and see him, but the guards woudn't have any of it :@

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