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[ Drum & Bass ] Fabric, London (Friday 27th December 2002)


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So much for a night of drum and bass! After waiting in the queue for 3 hours and still not getting in, we gave up and went to Camden Palace, what a shame that one [censored] up..........


Shen- Hope you're feeling better! grin.gif

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shen - u were more pissed that i was!! its ur own bloody fault


altho the irony of falling down a flight of stairs getting INTO a pub is a classic

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

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Shen hope you are feeling better 2day, that fall looked really nasty. U should sue the pub cos they didn't have a slippery floor notice down. Heard ya went home, u should of come to Peach it was really good.


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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i would have come along, but was feeling so ill and back was still fuckered. Wouldn't have lasted the ngiht. Was shivering and freezing just standing in thequeue with all the body warmth from people, let alone when i ahd to walk home 2 miles due to night bus that goes to my house not running last ngiht.

As for how i hurt myself, it was raining, steps were slippery, i slipped, landed lower back square on to the edge of the steps. Is now a lovely shade of purple, hurts liek bugggery, bruised, blood blister - wwhere it bled but not broken the skin. frown.gif

Ah well, good to hear everyone else had a good ngiht

Oh and was not pissed, was slightly tipsy, but it was cos steps were [censored] slippery.

Anwyays if you dont see much of me on board, then cos am really quite ill still, am physically an utter wreck at the moment. Apologies for being a moody fucker everyone *goes to lie down*


P.s Muchos thanks to Creamy for looking after me. He could've gone in car with others like i told him to but he walked me to bus stop and made sure i was ok, cos i looked rather poorly. Cheers again, i owe ya one.

Still at least i made it home before i collapsed and fainted disappointed.gif

~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

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  • CTW DJs

from what i saw, it did look like the floor was moved from underneeth u


it showed that it wasn't ur fault that the barmaid came over to u witha complimentry drink (albeit water)

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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well i had probably the funniest wkd i have ever had, after peach we went to tinseltown in farringdon and i got talking to some random people and we ended up going back to theres and stating there till 10pm sunday night!!

I would go into it but you wouldnt believe me!!

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Jay, how weird - i too went to tinseltown after peach on friday and met a couple of randoms, went back to theirs for an afterparty and left there at 10pm on sunday ... spooky! lol


What a weekend - probably the funniest of 2002. James and Jay - nice one for everything - had an absolute riot thumbs.gif


Considering the w/e started off such a nightmare (the fabric experience) it ended up as one that's going down in the history books smile.gif


I would go into it but you wouldnt believe me!!


I would (and do) believe you, but it might be best not to go into any more detail than we laready have tongue.gif

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was indeed a total [censored] up to start with - the queue to fabric was ridiculous - i know we should get there early but sometimes i just wonder why the hell we should. The only reason i moved away from DnB so much was because of how packed it was, some of the attidudes and the fact its 90% blokes! I do miss my DnB though so lets try and organise another fabric night on a less busy night.


THANK GOD Jay H had the brains to suggest we got out of the queue ASAP and went to camden instead - I'm sorry i didnt agree with you at first mate - we should have gone immediately.


Had an absolute blinder in the end though thanks to Jay, Nick, Chris and of course the best cuddles in the world with Nina.


Jay - you are a star mate - i know i was talking a lot of shite on sunday but i just cant help it sometimes mate.

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